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  1. Hello all! I use wordpress for blogging and on this site i am trying to display users gravatars on the site. If users have not set a gravatar, then i would like it to show the "default" image it shows now. I am also looking to display the users name, nickname and a edit my profile link for the logged in users. Here is the code i have now but it will always show my gravatar: <h2><?php _e('Your Gravatar'); ?></h2> <?php global $userdata; get_currentuserinfo(); echo($userdata->first_name); echo " "; echo($userdata->last_name); ?> <?php global $user_email; get_currentuserinfo(); echo "<img src='"; echo gravatar($user_email); echo "' alt='' class='gravatar' width='60' height='60' ALIGN=LEFT />"; ?> Nickname: <?php global $userdata; get_currentuserinfo(); echo($userdata->user_login); ?> <?php global $user_email; Ooppss, here is a link to my site: https://www.weedshopinc.com and on the left side of the page you will see "your gravatar". Thanks for any help
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