If I understand you correctly, you want to update your ticket information from a software (e.g a exe file). Yes it is possible.
What you need to do is,
On the server side, create a script e.g updateTicket.php that updates your sql database
On the client side, your software, launch a http request to e.g http://example.com/updateTicket.php or whereever your script is located, with the new ticket information e.g http://example.com/updateTicket.php?ticketId=1234&ticketTitle=something&ticketContent=something
I cant give you any code here since I don't know what language you are using.
I think what you need to know is that it is possible to save the ticket information into your database through your php script. Other pages on your website can access the very same database for the updated ticket information.
Please also remember to authenticate the http request !