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Posts posted by dioti

  1. @Barand thank you, i already found the solution few mins ago, but can you write me a code or tell me how to put the condition to my query ?

    new code:

                        $conn = $pdo->open();
                          $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT *, sales.id AS salesid FROM sales LEFT JOIN users ON users.id=sales.user_id ORDER BY sales_date DESC");
                          foreach($stmt as $row){
                            $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM details LEFT JOIN products ON products.id=details.product_id WHERE details.sales_id=:id");
                            $total = 0;
                            foreach($stmt as $details){
                              $subtotal = $details['price']*$details['quantity'];
                              $total += $subtotal;
                            if($row['Confirmed'] == 0){
                            echo "
                                <td class='hidden'></td>
                                <td>".date('M d, Y', strtotime($row['sales_date']))."</td>
                                <td>".$row['firstname'].' '.$row['lastname']."</td>
                                <td>".$row['country'].' , '.$row['city']." , ".$row['address']."</td>
                                <td width='25px;'>&#8378; ".number_format($total, 2)."</td>
                                <td width='18px;'><button type='button' class='btn btn-info btn-sm btn-flat transact' data-id='".$row['salesid']."'><i class='fa fa-search'></i> View</button></td>
                                <form action='' method='post'>
                                <td width='18px;'>
                                <input type='hidden' name='confirm' value='1'> <input class='btn btn-success btn-sm btn-flat' type='submit' value='Confirm'>
                            if(isset($_POST['confirm']) && $_POST['confirm'])
                              $stmt = $conn->prepare("UPDATE sales SET Confirmed = 1 WHERE id = '".$row['salesid']."'");                                                         
                        catch(PDOException $e){
                          echo $e->getMessage();


  2. I don't know many things in php yet so i need help to find out how to set a button to change value of "Confirmed" row from 0 to 1 in table "sales". I commented "This Button" at the beginning of the button i want to do the process.

                        $conn = $pdo->open();
                          $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT *, sales.id AS salesid FROM sales LEFT JOIN users ON users.id=sales.user_id ORDER BY sales_date DESC");
                          foreach($stmt as $row){
                            $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM details LEFT JOIN products ON products.id=details.product_id WHERE details.sales_id=:id");
                            $total = 0;
                            foreach($stmt as $details){
                              $subtotal = $details['price']*$details['quantity'];
                              $total += $subtotal;
                            if($row['Confirmed'] == 0){
                            echo "
                                <td class='hidden'></td>
                                <td>".date('M d, Y', strtotime($row['sales_date']))."</td>
                                <td>".$row['firstname'].' '.$row['lastname']."</td>
                                <td>".$row['country'].' , '.$row['city']." , ".$row['address']."</td>
                                <td width='25px;'>&#8378; ".number_format($total, 2)."</td>
                                <td width='18px;'><button type='button' class='btn btn-info btn-sm btn-flat transact' data-id='".$row['salesid']."'><i class='fa fa-search'></i> View</button></td>
                                <td width='18px;'>
                                <!-- This Button --> <button type='button' class='btn btn-success btn-sm btn-flat confirm' data-id='".$row['salesid']."'><i class='fa fa-check'></i> Confirm</button></td>
                        catch(PDOException $e){
                          echo $e->getMessage();


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