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Posts posted by denerex

  1. 7 minutes ago, requinix said:

    Are you sure the user that the web server is running as has the permission to create tasks under the SYSTEM account? See if you can create one without any associated user information.

    Can you tell me where I can find the list of accounts. Is it under users? C:\Users?  

    Regarding your question  how do I manipulate the permissions so the user can create tasks?  

  2. 2 minutes ago, requinix said:

    And your question is...?

    Oh yeah, I may have missed out on a few things. 

    The code essentially doesn't work. I've tried variations of it running on a localhost xampp configuration. When I load the localhost webpage it doesn't show my task on the task list. 


    The task, "mytask" is nowhere to be found when I run the php file. I know the command is correct because it works via, custom batch file but I need the command to run from a php script. The name of the task will be manipulated in the future.

    Ive tried running another simple configuration in order to prove whether php was capable of running batch commands. 

    shell_exec('mkdir testdir');

    So simple commands such as creating a directory works with php shell_exec. But I cant get it to create a cron job using the Windows Task Scheduler.



  3. Hi,

    I made a small php configuration that runs a cmd command that is designed to create a Scheduled Task on Windows.

    Code snippet

    $createTaskCmd = "schtasks.exe /CREATE /SC MONTHLY /D 15 /TN mytask /TR C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe /ST 00:00:10 /f /RU System";

    keep in mind I also tried using, 'exec' and I also tried out this solution. I'm trying to create a temporary task and have it be destroyed much later. 

  4. 1 hour ago, requinix said:

    What are these two pieces of code that have to run at the same time? Do they have output? Where is the output supposed to go? Is this something that would be better served by running two concurrent AJAX requests on the client side?

    Just curious, since you mentioned Ajax, are most of these threads about JS web development? Because if so, I do indeed have a solution for requesting on the client side but it is in another  framework called Flutter. If it's necessary I can repost but with an AJAX based solution and the whole problem.


    I  have made a client side program and  so far even on the client side two php scripts with a delay will only execute one at a time.  My original plan is to have a php task loop for 30 minutes and every second it will check my mysql database for a value change. (This is prob a terrible practice). Another script is supposed to wait 10 minutes and once that time lapsed it will destroy a row in the database. Both of the scripts are very large so I decided to make a simpler configuration. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, requinix said:

    You're going to have to explain that, because 99.9% of the time the correct solution is include/require.

    My main goal is to have one  php script run two other scripts with both 10 second delays. I need both php files to run at once however when I try this with include/require it only  executes one at a time and waits for one file to be finished. I tried using the solution from this site however the exec() method does not work as intended. 

    Original project:

    	echo "Timer begins...";


    	echo "Response from script 1";


    	echo "Response from script 2";


  6. Hi,


    I am a newbie at php and I recently tried making a small php configuration that runs on the localhost. 


    	echo "first script has been executed";


    	echo "Second script has been executed";

    The script is designed to call another php file whereas on the web page I would expect seeing, "first script has been executed" and "Second script has been executed". I am honestly not sure how the execution method is supposed to work however I am not planning on using "include" or "require" since they do not meet my criteria for another project. I am using xampp localhost server on a windows 10 computer. I tried entering "localhost:8080/dir/execution.php" however it did not work. 


    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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