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Everything posted by Full-Demon

  1. *bump* Anyone?
  2. Yep, I know but it didn't work (that's just a copy from php.net ). They're on the same webserver, just different subdomains (where the subdomain is actually a directory in the www folder...).
  3. Hi, I try to make a bridge between an SMF forum and my own site, where the user registers and logs in at my site and is automatically registered and logged in on the forum (via the site). SMF requires me to set a cookie to indicate the user is online, I made it to work on my localmachine, where I set the cookies path to be '/' (which is, the whole domain). But on my server it doesn't work, I think it's because they host multiple sites per server, and disabled this feature. How can I make a cookie to work on a different path on the site then it is created in? Thank you.
  4. Since server load for sites can be heavy, and PHP can be quite slow, I thought of a WAMP server not made of PHP files, but executables. Just as a test for myself, on my own local machine, and to test how much difference it would make with heavy user load. What do you think? Would it be worth the effort or do you think PHP is just fine? I've seen some extensions for PHP to precompile the PHP scripts...same idea infact. I think it's worth a try Can this be done? If so, how do I connect apache mysql and my executables together? Is there any site which describes what apache requires? Adding 'AddType application/octet-stream .exe' to httpd.conf obviously didn't work...
  5. Thanks for the reply, but it still doesn;t work. It looks like the client/browser doesn't reload the image...I even tried it with the no-cashing headers, but neither works. How can I force the client to reload the image?
  6. Hi, I have a script where I have to load a certain image and than output the image, but I don't want it that the server has to upload the image and than let the user download: I want the user to just download from the original fileserver (where the image is stored). So I have: File server (images stored here) -> Script server (with the actual script) -> User Users use the image tag to load the image: <img src="site.com/myscript.php"> I thought about this for my script: <?php $array = array('img1.png', 'img2.png'); header("Location: othersite.com/".$array[rand(0, 1)]); ?> That works, except that it is not random! The output is always one image and if you reload it never switches to the other one! How can I make this like I want? Thank you a lot! FD
  7. Hi, When I have a subject and search for a certain character in it (where the character before and after that character has certain conditions) it doesn't gives me the right output. preg_match_all('/(\W|\A)(\=)(\W|\Z)/', 'blahblah == lala', $matches); Result: Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => == [1] => = ) [some more sub arrays here] ) This code checks for the character '=' and gets the surrounding characters too. The first character is matched alright (' =='), but the second one not (' = ') (note the spaces). The second result should be ('== '). Why does the second result ignores the first '='? And how to fix this? Thanks in advance, FD
  8. Hi, I'm trying to parse a file, and I only need to replace stuff that is outside any single or double quotes. How can I, using preg_match, see if the found key is between quotes or not? Thank you! FD
  9. Hi all, PHP is a bit too slow for my project to resize images. Is it possible to call an executable via PHP which will resize the images? A C/C++ program to be exactly. Can I use GD2 in C? And can I run a program from the server with an argument (path top the file)? And would it be good or bad if I would use external programs? Thanks
  10. Hi, header() doesn't works properly. When I write the following: header("Location: index.php"); It doesn't redirects me, only when I echo something AFTER the header(); header("Location: index.php"); echo 'wtf?'; WTF??? What is wrong? Why doesn't header(); works immediatly? Thanks alot, FD
  11. Hi, I know how to set the CHMOD for a file, but does a function exsists where I can see a file's CHMOD settings? Thanks, FD
  12. Ok thanks mate
  13. Ey, I use CHMOD because .htaccess doesn't work on my server. I want certain directories to be restricted. I want that only apache/php can read/write/execute. Nobody else, users should not be able to browse to/inside the directory. What permissions should the directory have and what should the files/directories inside have? Thanks in advance FD
  14. Ok thanks for the reply, With users I meant ppl who own a server and can run the script. But perhaps I should build the enable/disable function for virtual urls...sigh...its just a sh*t load of work lol, thats why I asked it. Thanks anyway FD
  15. Hi all, I wrote an application where I use mod_rewrite for virtual urls. (ie: I redirect admin.php?action=add to admin/add) My question is: does every server supports mod_rewrite, or is it very rare to support it? I want as many users as possible to use it, so if its very unusual to have it supported I get rid of mod_rewrite. Thanks, PS, are there statistics about stuff like this somewhere? FD
  16. No it doesn't work. I used print_r(); to display the complete array of $_SERVER and $HTTP_SERVER_VARS. Both didn't contain any information about the authentication. Can authentication be set off in php.ini by the server administrator? Perhaps thats the problem? Same for the header(); problem, is that something the server admin could have set on in php.ini? Thanks anyway, FD
  17. Hi, My homeserver has php5 but my webserver php 4.4.2, I'm getting some errors when I try to run a script in php4. 1. WWW-Authenticate doesn't work. It keeps asking me my UN and PW while I filled in the correct UN and PW. Script: if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Administration area"'); header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); exit; } elseif (($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']==$ini['c_admin_username']) && ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']==$ini['c_admin_password'])) { [rest of code here] Like $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] is not set or something, wtf? 2. My error handling is redirecting me to the error page (with header(). How ever, to find out what is wrong, I add "echo 'some nonsense';" on top of the page. That way a header is already send and he will display the errors instead of redirecting me. This works in php5, but php4 just keeps redirecting me even if php already sended a header...how can this ever be possible??? Does anyone know the answer? I'm getting really frustated with the fact it DOES work in php5 but not in php4. Thanks for any advise or reply, FD
  18. Hi, Does anyone know a function, class or library to easy edit configuration file? Like the XML functions but than for configuration files. Or should I write my own class for this? FD
  19. Hi, Can I password protect a file instead of a directory with .htaccess and .htpasswd files? Thanks, FD
  20. It doesnt work because the JS is external. And pasting isnt really an option, as I include the headers different on each page...and its a very long javascript file. There must be a way like the scriptaculous script does it, because that one works...but Im not a master in JS (I hate the language, because its so messy), so I cant find out what part actually retrieves the value... Thanks for the reply though FD
  21. Hi, I have a small problem, I have a variable in PHP which I would like to pass to JS. However, a form won't work, because JS is initialised between the <head> tag's. Echo a variable with PHP in JS doesn't work, because the JS file in external. And passing var's via the URL won't work because the php file is called with a virtual URL. I hoped something like this would work: <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript.js?var=thisismyvar"></script> But when I call: document.location.href It returns the URL which is displayed in the address bar for the php file! So not for the JS file. However, I saw some scripts that worked with the above example (it works in my website) but I cant get it to work, very weird written: var Scriptaculous = { Version: '1.5.1', require: function(libraryName) { // inserting via DOM fails in Safari 2.0, so brute force approach document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'+libraryName+'"></script>'); }, load: function() { if((typeof Prototype=='undefined') || parseFloat(Prototype.Version.split(".")[0] + "." + Prototype.Version.split(".")[1]) < 1.4) throw("script.aculo.us requires the Prototype JavaScript framework >= 1.4.0"); $A(document.getElementsByTagName("script")).findAll( function(s) { return (s.src && s.src.match(/scriptaculous\.js(\?.*)?$/)) }).each( function(s) { var path = s.src.replace(/scriptaculous\.js(\?.*)?$/,''); var includes = s.src.match(/\?.*load=([a-z,]*)/); (includes ? includes[1] : 'builder,effects,dragdrop,controls,slider').split(',').each( function(include) { Scriptaculous.require(path+include+'.js') }); }); } } Scriptaculous.load(); This script gets called by: <script type="text/javascript" src="scriptaculous.js?load=effects"></script> How can I fix this? Thanks, FD
  22. Hi, Is there a way the retrieve the last modified date of a certain file with PHP? FD
  23. *bump* the problem irritates me lol
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