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Posts posted by chapinh

  1. Well... I didn't have to do that with PHP 7.3.

    But, that's not to say that the way I was doing it with PHP 7.3 was correct.  Perhaps it wasn't and it just so happened to work.

    Ideally, I don't really want the custom cURL to be associated with anything system related.  This version of cURL is compiled specifically intended to use with PHP only.  That's what I liked about the way I could compile this with PHP 7.3 (and 7.2 and 7.1), I could "hide" the custom cURL and compile the PHP modules against it.

    I can kind of get around this by manually modifying the CURL_SHARED_LIBADD and INCLUDES variables in the resulting Makefile before issuing the make command.

    Just seems to me that PHP 7.4's libcurl is missing the option to specify a directory path with the --with-curl parameter.

  2. I've been installing a separate libcurl module - compiled against a custom cURL installation.  This seems to have stopped working with PHP 7.4.

    Prior to PHP 7.4, I could do:

    wget -O %phpversion%.tar.gz https://www.php.net/distributions/%phpversion%.tar.gz
    tar --no-same-owner -zxf %phpversion%.tar.gz
    cd %phpversion%/ext/curl
    ./configure --with-curl=/path/to/custom/curl --with-php-config=/path/to/php-config
    ldd modules/curl.so

    And the ldd command would show it being linked to the curl in /path/to/custom/curl

    It seems that with PHP 7.4, the ability to specify a directory to --with-curl was removed.

    If you compare a ./configure --help with PHP 7.4 and PHP 7.3

    PHP 7.4

      --with-curl             Include cURL support

    PHP 7.3

      --with-curl=DIR         Include cURL support

    Is there a reason for this or is this something that was overlooked by the folks that release PHP?

    Or am I missing something?

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