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Posts posted by brittny85

  1. I thought about using JQuery, but it isn't really practical for the application at hand.  The tool my client is having me use won't allow me to import external files, so I'd have to paste the whole JQuery library in a script tag in the header, which would make editing the template a little unwieldy.  But that's definitely a good idea for people that don't have this limitation!  Thanks :)

  2. Well, I didn't really figure out why IE does this or how to make it actually change the ID of an object using Javascript, however I did come up with a passable workaround.  Since I was just using the IDs to apply different CSS styles I changed tactics and added a class name instead.  I then modified my CSS to reflect this change. 


    document.getElementById('full_page').className = 'home';


    Anyways, hopefully this is helpful to someone else down the line as well.

  3. So I got some help from a friend, but I'm no closer to figuring out how to do what I need to do.  We changed the code to:

    var docid = document.getElementById('t2');
    docid.id = 'home';


    The page only crashed when I added in the second line, so it's definitely the changing the id that is crashing IE, not the getting the element.  Any thoughts on what I could do otherwise?

  4. I'm working on a website for a client and I need to change the ID of the body if a certain condition is met.  I have code that works great in all browsers... except IE 7.  Anyone know why the following line of code would crash IE 7, and no other browser?  Any ideas of a different way to make this work?






  5. I know that I just posted recommending that someone else use Suckerfish dropdowns... but I have a problem that I haven't figured out.  I'm trying to implement dropdowns on a website with 6px of white space between the bottom of the main menu and the submenu.  I've tried adding padding and margins and changing font sizes and nothing that I've come up with has worked.  What is the top property of the submenus being set against? 


    Here's the relevant css:

    #topnav { margin: 50px 5px 0px -49px; width: 530px; float:right; padding: 0px ; text-align:center;}
    #topnav ul { margin: 31px 0px 0px -36px; width: 530px; float:right; list-style-type: none; padding: 0px; text-align:center;}
    #topnav ul li { text-transform:uppercase; float: right;  margin: 0px 0px 0px 1px; color:#818386; width: 100px; text-align:center; padding: 5px 0px 1px 0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:9px; background-repeat:no-repeat; border:#f00 1px solid;}
    #topnav ul li a { width: 100px; display:block;}
    #topnav ul li ul{margin: 0px 0px 0px -13px; left: -50000px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; position: absolute; text-align: left; background: #ffffff; border:solid #d4d5d7 1px; z-index: 200; width:120px;}
    #topnav ul li ul li { text-align: left; height: 15px; color:#6d6f71; font-size: 9px; font-weight:normal; display:list-item; list-style-image:none; padding: 3px 0px 3px 10px; margin: 0px; float: right; width:115px;}
    #topnav li ul li a {background: #ffffff; padding: 0px; color:#6d6f71; text-transform:none; width:15px; height: 15px; display: block; width:115px;}
    #topnav li:hover ul, #topnav li.sfhover ul {left: auto;}
    #topnav li ul li:hover a, #topnav li ul li.sfhover a { color:#ffffff;}


    And some of the relevant html (I shortened the list so that you didn't have to look through redundant examples of list items):

    <div id="topnav">
    <ul class="topnav">
    	<li id="topnav_company" class="tab_down"><a id=topnav_tab href="/company">Company
    		<ul id="menu_company" >
    			<li id="company_story" ><a href="/company/story">The Code Story</a></li>
    			<li id="company_manufacturing" ><a href="/company/manufacturing">Manufacturing</a></li>
    			<li id="company_board" ><a href="/company/board">Scientific Advisory Board</a></li>
    	<li id="topnav_support" class="tab_up_on"><a id=topnav_tab href="/support">Support
    		<ul id="menu_support" >
    			<li id="support_guarantee" ><a href="/support/guarantee">Our Guarantee</a></li>
    			<li id="support_faq" ><a href="/support/faq">FAQ</a></li>
    			<li id="support_contact" ><a href="/support/contact">Contact Us</a></li>
    			<li id="support_privacy" ><a href="/support/privacy">Privacy Policy</a></li>
    			<li id="support_terms" ><a href="/support/terms">Terms of Use</a></li>


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!


  6. I have a client who wants a menu that collapses rather than dropping down.  Does anyone know how to make this work?  I know how to do it with actual dropdowns but I can't find a good way to make them collapse.  You can see the site as it is currently here: http://techiechic.net/osnews/home.php


    It's the left menu that should collapse.  It should render in such a way that the secondary navigation links are the only ones that show up until the user rolls over the navigation item, at which point the sub navigation (the ones labeled "secondary link") are displayed, pushing the other "secondary navigation links" down.  The second "secondary navigation" link shows the desired expanded state and the other two are obviously the collapsed state.


    Is is possible to do this with css?  If not, does anyone have a recommended way to go about doing this?


    Thanks in advance!!

  7. I'm just wondering, is there a way to style <ol>'s so that they don't have the period after the numbers?  I know I could go through and make images for all of the numbers but I'd really like to keep everything more easily editable than that.  It seems like there ought to be some sort of css that I can use to get rid of the periods after the numbers.  If anyone can help me out I'd really appreciate it!




  8. Thank you for your help, but I'm still stuck.  I don't have access to the httpd.conf file so it is all in an .htaccess file.  I tried setting up my .htaccess file like you suggested, but that gave me a server error instead of just denying access.  I am working off of a windows machine currently, however once I get this working I will be uploading it to a Linux server.  Will I have to reconfigure the files for each server that the site is on?  I tried using that link to get the right .htpasswd file set up, but it didn't help either.  Sorry, I am trying to figure it out myself, but I can't find anything that tells me what I'm doing wrong.

    Thanks again!
  9. I posted a couple days ago because I was trying to implement some passthrough authentication for a directory... but I've become less ambitious and I just want to protect the directory.  I've been trying to learn how to use the .htaccess & .htpasswd method, but I'm supremely confused.  I found a couple different sites that had .htpasswd generators... but each one gave me different results for the same username/password combination.  I tried using a few different variations of the encrypted password but no matter which one I used my server wouldn't authenticate me.  Am I missing something?  My .htaccess file looks like:
    [code]AuthUserFile /Theronyx2/careers/resumes/.htpasswd
    AuthGroupFile /dev/null
    AuthName "Password Protected Area"
    AuthType Basic

    <limit GET POST>
    require valid-user

    What should my .htpasswd file look like?  I know that the password is supposed to be encrypted, but how do I get the right encrypted password?

    Thanks in advance!!
  10. I'm working on a website that I have set up a membership system for.  Right now all of my membership system is set up in PHP & MySQL and works beautifully.  However, I'm working on setting up a new directory which is going to contain documents that aren't .php (they'll mostly be .txt, .doc etc.).  I only want system admins be able to get to this directory, but I can't verify logins the same way I have up until now.  Is there a way that I can make it so that if someone is logged in as an admin they can have access to this directory, but they can't access it otherwise?  I found some things about .htaccess and .htpasswd but I couldn't figure out if I could make that work with the system I had without having to resort to having multiple passwords to get to this part of the site.

  11. Thanks!  That was really helpful and a good start.  But the more I try to work with this the more I agree with what it says at the beginning of the Apache manual mod_rewrite article about it being voodoo- cool voodoo- but still voodoo.  I thought I understood it, but since it isn't working, I must not be as close as I thought.  After looking at lots of different docs I came up with this for my .htaccess file:
    [code]LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
    AddModule mod_rewrite.c
    Options +FollowSymLinks

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^.+(\.htm)$ $.php [R=301,L] [/code]

    For awhile I somehow had it so that it would redirect all of my .css files to .php (that was fun... not) but it never seems to do the same thing for the only file type that I thought I was specifying- .htm.

  12. The more I try to work with this the more I agree with what it says at the beginning of the Apache manual mod_rewrite article about it being voodoo- cool voodoo- but still voodoo.  I thought I understood it, but since it isn't working, I must not be as close as I thought.  I'm trying to transfer a website from mostly being .htm files to being to all being .php files.  After looking at lots of different docs I came up with this for my .htaccess file:
    [code]LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
    AddModule mod_rewrite.c
    Options +FollowSymLinks

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^.+(\.htm)$ $.php [R=301,L] [/code]

    For awhile I somehow had it so that it would redirect all of my .css files to .php (that was fun... not) but it never seems to do the same thing for the only file type that I thought I was specifying- .htm.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  13. Thank you so much!  I thought that was what I was going to want to do but it hadn't been working so I thought I must have had something wrong.  It works fantastically now!  Thanks again!  ;D
  14. I'm working on setting up a page that I need to have reload if it gets to a certain point in the code, but I can't seem to find anywhere what the code is to reload a page in PHP.  If it gets to this point then I don't want the form that is coded in below it to show up but for it to just go to the rest of the code.  I'll post the code and see if I can make my question make more sense...
    //this is here to check if someone is logged in or not
    function checkLogin()

    //..lots of content that i only want loaded if checkLogin() succeeds

    //this is essentially what is contained in loginform.php
    if (isset($_POST['login']))
    $user = $_POST['user'];
    $pass = $_POST['pass'];
    $person = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM [i]databasename[/i] WHERE uname = '$user' AND pw = '$pass'") or die(mysql_error());

    if(mysql_num_rows($person) >0)
    $person = mysql_fetch_array($person);
    $_SESSION['memberid'] = $person['memberid'];
    [b][i]//This is where I want to get the page to reload[/i][/b]
    $error = true;
    <form method="post" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">
    <p>Username: <input type="text" name="user" /></p>
    <p>Password: <input type="password" name="pass" /></p>
    <p><input type="submit" name="login" value="Log In" /> code]

    I hope my question makes sense!  Thank you!
  15. I am working on a project in which I use multiple forms to get data in a MySQL table. I want to get the id out of a data row as I am inputting other data into it. Using multiple html forms I will insert the other data but the id is auto-incremented and used as a primary key. However on the following pages I will need that id so that all of the data is input in the same row. Is there a way I can get that id so that I can use it later?
  16. I am working on converting a site that I made when I only knew HTML to PHP. I want to avoid link rot but I'm not sure what the best way is to go about doing so. It is a relatively large site so if possible I would like to avoid having to write a redirect page for each individual page. Essentially every page that was originally .htm will now be .php so that I can make use of the capabilities of PHP on each page, but with the same filename otherwise. Is there an easy way to go about doing this? I'm trying to think if I can just write a php script on my 404 page that will check if the link they were looking for was .htm and try first to redirect them to a page with the same name but ending in .php, but I don't know how to do that. If the best way is just to put a re-direct link in each individual file, what is the "correct" way to do so? Most of the places I have looked have said to use a META redirect, but I also saw on w3.org that that was a deprecated way of doing so. I don't have access to reconfigure the server. Any suggestions would be very welcome!

  17. That's not quite what I was trying to do. I would like to take out the values for the month, year etc. and be able to use those values in my program. So that I could use it in a comparison like:
    [code] $date['mday'] == $x[/code]

    Sorry if I'm not making much sense, I haven't had much sleep. :)

  18. I'm trying to pull dates from a database and then use them like I would with the getDate() function. I would like to be able to take the dates from my MySQL database and break them into an array that would allow me to pull out the particular elements (i.e. month, day, year) and then manipulate those elements. Is there an easy way to do this? I was thinking it would probably have something to do with the mktime() or date() functions but I haven't been able to figure it out. I hope my question makes sense...

  19. Sorry, I forgot... I am running phpMyAdmin on my webserver, but I haven't figured out how to get it to run on my machine. I found the mysqldump.exe but I can't get it to load. I have phpMyAdmin loaded on my computer I just can't get the index page to load. I'm willing to learn how to use either one I just can't get them to open up.

    I've been trying to open the index page of phpMyAdmin in firefox (I'm assuming that's the right way to open it... but I could be entirely wrong). But when I do I just get a page that says this:

    urldecode the db name if (isset($lightm_db)) { // no longer urlencoded because of html entities in the db name // $db = urldecode($lightm_db); $db = $lightm_db; unset($lightm_db); } $url_query = PMA_generate_common_url(isset($db) ? $db : ''); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $GLOBALS['charset']); require_once('./libraries/relation.lib.php'); $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam(); if ($cfg['QueryHistoryDB'] && $cfgRelation['historywork']) { PMA_purgeHistory($cfg['Server']['user']); } $phpmain_hash = md5($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri']); $phpmain_hash_js = time(); ?>  0) { PMA_availableDatabases(); // this function is defined in "common.lib.php" } else { $num_dbs = 0; } if ($num_dbs > 1) { if ($cfg['LeftFrameLight']) { $query_frame_height += 20; } } if ($cfg['QueryFrame']) { /* Will we show list of servers? */ if ($cfg['LeftDisplayServers'] && $cfg['DisplayServersList'] && count($cfg['Servers']) > 1) { $query_frame_height += (count($cfg['Servers']) + 1)*15; } if ($cfg['QueryFrameJS']) { echo '' . "\n"; echo "\n"; echo '


    When I go to load mysqldump.exe it will flash on the screen and then close before I can even read what is on the screen.


    Sorry I should have mentioned that the first time!




  20. Hi!


    I've been working on developing databases on my computer for a website I'm working on. I want to export the tables that I've created so that I can upload them to the website. I'm using phpMyAdmin and I think I've figured out how to upload the tables if I can get them exported. But I can't find the commands to export the tables.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!




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