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  1. I haven't read or studied PHP for a while for various reasons, but now I'm back. Have read a bit about the PHP Framework. Can't quite figure out what this is. Therefore, I hope that you here can answer me. Have read a bit about Laravel, but can't find out where on Laravel.com I can download it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is a PHP framework a PHP editor that is web-based, or is it a program so I can just upload it to my server? I need Information how to use it and understand what it is. I have misunderstood a lot of what I have read about it I am afraid.
  2. Thank you. You are so spot on. But I don't know or understand the difference between function, variable, statement, control loops, etc. I am looking for the answer to what all this term means, when or in which situation, or what connection to use them in. Where or when can one and each of them be used. So, you are right. Get enough to start understanding the specific things PHP does with all the general constructs. And I will not understand that before I can start programming in my language. I give the book a try. So, will I see where it ends? It would be so much easier if I knew someone who can program here in Denmark. So, till then, I must claim my book and Google Translate.
  3. PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja. Got tips about this book from a Norwegian on a Scandinavian web development forum, but I think the book is difficult to learn of since the book is in English. But if I can learn the technical terms, I think it will go well for me. That's what I'm asking. What are the different technical terms and what do they mean? So I think it is me who is difficult here and not the book. ISBN: 978-0-9943469-8-8 https://www.webforumet.no
  4. Yes, you are right. There I see already that because my bad English isn't too good it makes trouble for me. Because this is exactly what I meant. Among these "descriptions" there are self-developed words, sentences, and phrases to describe different functions.
  5. Ok. Thanks. But back to the second question. I know that the word for it is CMS. I am more into different parts or modules. Like what the different name or word is for each of the modules i am listing. Maybe my English is too bad or weak to make me understand enough. It's like when I am going to create a module for updating the site with updated content and pictures, what am I going to look for in my books to create a function like that? Like the chapter in my book that describes how to create a user registration system. That chapter is called: Allowing users to register accounts. Maybe I misunderstand the whole total and there are no special expressions when it comes to the programming industry other than the word you mension for me. I think maybe there was some special word on things. Ok
  6. I asked this on the php help forum too. They don't answer me there. I want to develop a simple CMS. In that connection, I have some questions. I only have experience with php and mysql - programming as a hobby, so these are just simple things I have done before. Such as displaying date retrieving simple data from database etc. I have always been dependent on tutorials etc. Now also have some books. But they don’t give me the clear answer on my questions. I nead to know what i am looking for. Since I am Danish, and my English is not very good, and all material and good books are in English, I struggle a bit. Now I use Google Translate. I therefore hope this will be correct. I “believe” you who work with this, and who can do this, have your own (within the industry) words and expressions that describe to someone in the same industry what has been developed, or is to be developed. What is it called, and what should I look for to develop: A login system that keeps track of admin and regular users. A system that updates a web page / mini cms with images and text, deletion of articles etc. Send mail system. Hope someone can help me with these answers. With kind regards from Bjørnar
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