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  1. oz11's post in SQLi Avoidance through global blacklist "fallback" was marked as the answer   
    nevermind. it sucks.. i tried. We all fail somtimes.
  2. oz11's post in Details not showing second line... was marked as the answer   
    Came down to a  
    Take time with Franken code!
  3. oz11's post in Only shows on second refresh..? was marked as the answer   
    Fixed code:
    <?php include 'config.php'; $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM news WHERE reference=?"); $stmt->execute([$_GET['ref']]); $check_exist = $stmt->fetchColumn(); if($check_exist == 0){ echo "error not found"; exit(); } $user_ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM outgoing_count WHERE IP = ? AND news_reff = ?"); $stmt->execute([$user_ip, $_GET['ref']]); $count = $stmt->fetchColumn(); if($count == 0){ $sql = "INSERT INTO outgoing_count (IP, news_reff) VALUES (?,?)"; $stmt= $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([$user_ip, $_GET['ref']]); $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM outgoing_count WHERE news_reff = ?"); $stmt->execute([ $_GET['ref']]); $count2 = $stmt->fetchColumn(); echo "Redirect. This page has been viewed ".$count2."times"; } else { $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM outgoing_count WHERE news_reff = ?"); $stmt->execute([$_GET['ref']]); $count3 = $stmt->fetchColumn(); echo "Redirect. This page has been viewed ".$count3."times"; //header('Location: http://google.com'); } ?> .. just needed time.
  4. oz11's post in Function not working (using LIKE and PDO) was marked as the answer   
    and seems to work now. Thanks guys for being here.
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