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  1. I have got the fix! add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'shipping_methods_based_on_wholesale_customer', 10, 2 ); function shipping_methods_based_on_wholesale_customer( $rates, $package ) { $user = wp_get_current_user(); $roles = (array) $user->roles; // Set the shipping methods rate ids in the arrays. if ( ! in_array( 'wholesale_customer', $roles, true ) ) { $shipping_rates_ids = array( 'flat_rate:10', 'flat_rate:7' ); // To be removed for NON Wholesale users. } else { $shipping_rates_ids = array( 'flat_rate:13', 'flat_rate:15' ); // To be removed for Wholesale users. } // Loop through shipping rates from the current shipping package. foreach ( $rates as $rate_key => $rate ) { if ( in_array( $rate_key, $shipping_rates_ids, true ) ) { unset( $rates[ $rate_key ] ); } } return $rates; }
  2. I am working in WordPress. Please be more specific as I don't follow.
  3. 1. I have paste the code in functions.php 2. Where should I see the output? I am working in WordPress. 3. Not sure if I am allowed to ask this here, if not, I will erase point 3. Would someone be willing to debug and make the code work? As a gesture, I can make a donation. 🙂 Please tell me if I am not allowed to post this here.
  4. I must be super annoying, I am so sorry. The code is in my functions.php. It is saved and works. Now where do I find that output?
  5. I have placed the code in functions.php. And saved. All works. So now where can I find that contents of your $rates array? Is that within Directadmin.
  6. Yes, uhm how do I find that. Sorry 🙂
  7. Tried it, but not working. It isn't removing any shipment options for both guest as for logged in users.
  8. Via WooCommerce Wholesale Prices -> it makes a new user ID which is wholesale_customer
  9. $is_wholesale = get_user_meta( 153, 'wholesale_customer', true ); -> tried but no effect. Does someone know a work around? Maybe when the code checks for logged in user, it works. But how? It doesn't have to target wholesale_customers only. Because only wholesale_customer needs to log in. Nobody else can log in. Could someone change the code to check for logged in, or not logged in?
  10. $is_wholesale = get_user_meta( 'user_id=153', 'wholesale_customer', true ); is this correct?
  11. Not the actual ID. Good point. Let me try with an Actual ID
  12. $is_wholesale = get_user_meta( 'A_USER_ID', 'wholesale_customer', true ); -> I tried, no effect. Could you rewrite the code to target ALL logged in user? So not only wholesale_customers.
  13. So I tried a second piece of code. Same issue. It isn't targeting wholesale_users. IT just removed the flat_rate:13 for ALL users guest, subscribers, and wholesale_users. /** * Removes shipping methods for non-wholesale customers. * Please be sure to clear your WooCommerce store's cache. * Adjust 'flat_rate:2' to match that of your wholesale shipping method. */ function my_wcs_remove_shipping_non_wholesale( $rates, $package ){ global $current_user; $is_wholesale = get_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'wholesale_customer', true ); if ( ! $is_wholesale ) { foreach( $rates as $method ) { if ( $method->id == 'flat_rate:13') { unset( $rates[$method->id] ); } } } return $rates; } add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'my_wcs_remove_shipping_non_wholesale', 10, 2 ); This is how I setup my shipment zones. Is that correct? So within 1 zone, 2 options for paid shipment and 2 options for free shipment.
  14. Does it help if I post my website? Can I do it securely? OK 1. All wholesale users have the wp_capabilities: array ( 0 => array ( 'wholesale_customer' => true, 'bbp_participant' => true, ), ) 2. "no effect"??? Let me clarify as detailed as possible. I have changed 'wholesale_customer', true ); -> 'translator', true ); BUT then still GUEST (NON LOGGED IN) are NOT seeing: flat_rate:13 and flat_rate:15. The code is thus always removing both flat_rates13 and 15. *I will actually 100% donate you if we are able to fix. Or I can send a gift card for our shop. We design babyitems. Hold on, I have more info!
  15. Could you help me re write it to target logged in users?
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