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  1. From code displayed, you are missing a closing " in $sql="select * from auth where user='.$uname'AND Pass='.$password.' limit 1; and your } in the if statement is in the wrong place
  2. Have a look at round() <?php $dec = 3.2569871; echo round($dec, 1); ?> will output 3.3
  3. My understanding of mvc model: handles all data such as get, add, and edit data. (From database or other form of data collection view: pretty much presentation. shows data retrieved controller: communicates between model and view. Model has no knowledge of view and vise versa controller is the go-between so to speak. controller has knowledge of both model and view. sometimes controller may contain some presentaion
  4. Ok thanks to both
  5. If there is interest in the thread I will write a full basic example using sqlite and a tkinter gui.
  6. How does one add a forum signature? I have looked in the user settings and can't seem to locate it.
  7. I realize this is an old topic but, wanted to reply. This is in no way a complete working script but, could do something like this. I would suggest using a database such as sqlite3 or mysql for storing user data or maybe a json file as it would make it easier. from string import ascii_letters, digits from random import sample characters = ascii_letters + digits + '@!?&#' def generate(): return ''.join(sample(characters, 10)) def check_newuser(new_user): if new_user: return True return False def check(username, password): # Do user validation stuff if username: return True return False main_menu = ['A: Login','B: Create Account','C: Quit'] print('What would you like to do?') while True: print(f"Options: {', '.join(main_menu)}") option = input('Choose an option\n>> ') if option.lower() not in ['a','b','c']: print('That is not a valid option.') if option.lower() == 'c': print('Goodbye!') break if option.lower() == 'a': username = input('Please enter your username\n>> ') password = input('Please enter your password\n>> ') validate = check(username, password) if validate: print(f'User {username} logged in') else: print('Sorry that username or password is not correct.') if option.lower() == 'b': new_user = input('Please enter a username\n>> ') check_user = check_newuser(new_user) if check_user: print('Options: 1 create own password, 2 generate random password') new_password_option = input('Choose an option\n>> ') if new_password_option == '1': newpass = input('Enter a new password\n>> ') elif new_password_option == '2': newpass = generate() else: print('That is not a valid option') print(f'Your password is {newpass}') else: print('That username has already been taken') # Go back and ask for new username
  8. Hello to everyone. Look forward to contributing to and learning from the community.
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