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Posts posted by tommytx

  1. gw1500se not pulling the pages the pages i visit pulls them...many pages you land on call on php, javascript etc to decide where to take you next but the Session will not log those pages since i did not visit them the page i am on visited them.  So to troubleshoot better you would need to see not only a list of pages you visited and logged into Sessions you would need to be aware of any other pages used to get you to your target..as anyone could have causes you to fail to reach the target.

    dodgeit  sorta.. notall incljuded but have to know of any classes in the include that was used but more importantly files that were called by the page i am on.. like when you fill out a form many times it calls a php page that i never see never log to enter data into the data base... so if i don't know that happened I do not know that page could be part of the problem..

    The only way I know of to get a list of all those pages would be to open the source and look for files being called internally that will not long on a Session list.


  2. My problem is that no one actually visited those pages the program pulled from them to get information so that it knows what next page to send you to..

    Are you saying that if if do the session correctly it will also show pages that no one visited.. since when those pages were used by the page that was visited noone actually visited that php or javascript or java page ... so if I am troubleshooting i have no idea those sub pages were used unless i study each page that was visited to see if those pages called any other pages....does that make sense.... Again lets say I do not end up at my target page... so I have no indication that its not a visited page but an unvisited page that may be the troublemaker... . maybe i am making this too hard..
    Its possible that i might use Sessions and find out that i visited 10 pages but to get to the 10 page it may have required 20 total page accesses and the other 10 would not be listed so that i now where the problem is...
    I may be able to pull them out of the logs that identify every page activity with IP since even the sub internal pages will be logged by ip in the master log..
    And i can block out all other traffic via htaccess so that no one else gets in so i will be tracking just one IP making it simpler...
    Maybe I will just write this one off as too complicated unless i can get all the questionable pages into an IDE so that every move can be tracked logged and stopped at any point i choose.



  3. Not asking you to troubleshoot for me but to pop in any thoughts you might have on how YOU would troubleshoot this problem.. Thanks

    This is a wp site.. and generated the following error..

    Notice: Undefined index: USER_AGENT in /home/luxuryrealtygrp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/LRG/Masked/Filters.php on line 31
    This is what line 31 that is being called out:
    Line 31:
    function lrg_masked_field($false, $field_name){
        if(is_user_logged_in() || stripos($_SERVER['USER_AGENT'], 'google') !== false || stripos($_SERVER['USER_AGENT'], 'yahoo') !== false || stripos($_SERVER['USER_AGENT'], 'bing') !== false){
            return false;

    Just looking for ideas that might help to chase this down..
    My guess is that USER_AGENT since in all caps may be an environment variable.. Is there a way to display all environment variablles and if they are set or not.  Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.. Thanks!



  4. Thanks for that information i will try to use it... however I looked at sessions, and they do tell me each page i visited but it did not seem to report those under the cover intermediate pages that were required to get to my destination.. For example many cases we have a form filled in which calls a php page or even a javascript page to interpret that and send me to my final destination.. but unless I was doing something wrong, Sessions did not show the intermediate pages.. so no way to tell if they worked or not.. unless I got to the final destination.. It shows page 1 and page 2 and page 3 etc but if an undercover page was needed it did not show that.  Thanks the ideas i will keep working with it.. I guess I need something like running the page in a php IDE but haven't had much luck running an IDE on a monstor program..... Thanks Again.


  5. Thanks for that requinix, however I do not want to track anyone but myself as discussed above as a troubleshooting tool... But so far i have read a dozen articles and 2 youtubes and so far no one has answered my question and that is as I said above. "Can i track every page they need/use on the way to my Target page.. I know it will track any intermediate page that they land on.. howeve that would be useless in php as we know from point a to point b is only one page jump.. but they may have loaded several pages to get there....and my guess is it won't record any page that is called but not displayed... for example many html page's call a php page to tell it where to go next... but I suspect that Sessions won't log those intermediate page.. I do not mind spending hours learning all the ins and outs of Sessions but hate to do that if it will not work for what I need... and i suspect that some of the old hands at Session's can quickly say Yes or No it won't do that.
    The only other things that i can think of would study the source code of any page that Sessions logs and see what all files they will be demanding in the header or any other place in the code.  Thanks..

  6. OOPS! just finished lesson one.. and already realized this may not work for me...
    My experience (what little it is) is that it will track all the pages the user visits... but that is not what I want its all the pages the puter visits while the user is logged in .Am I wrong but i thought when a user clicks and goes to a new page.. it will log each page he sees but the puter may have visited a dozen pages for his one.. What I mean is when user clicks on an html page it may query javascript, php, or anything to get the info he has requested.. but session will not show all those files. that he did not see.. Correct.. If so its worthless for what i need as to trouble shoot finding the pages the user say is not very valuable since to troubleshoot i have to know every page the puter say during this session... I am sure those questions will be answered as i go thru the tutorials.. but if you know the answer please tell me so I dont go thru a bunch of tutorials and find it will not work... Thanks


  7. Thank you soooo much gw1500se for the idea... I am right now as we speak in the middle of a youtube video on setting up SESSIONS..

    Hopefully soon I will understand exactly what you are referring to... and will in the future be able to make frequent use of the session use.

    I have played with sessions before but not great at it.. but now I an intensely studying examples so it should solve my problem.


  8. I am sorry i am not much of a Session guy.. do i need to go spend hours on how to do sessions.. as there is maybe a 100k php files that it might wander thru so the problem is I don't know what all pages it might go thru to get there.. else I would not be trying to work backwards to get the sequence of pages that will be hit.
    I need to use this process frequently so is there some content I could study that would help me setup some kind of tracking system if i wanted to find out the sequence of pages that it went thru to end at my target page.
    This sounds like something that I would love to know more about.. and had not thought about sessions.. since I am not that knowledgable about Sessions.

    Thanks for your help..

    But I do have everyone blocked from the site... to make sure a lot of other folks are not loading those pages that i am trying to track.




  9. For example with an IDE to run a program is there a way to put some code in the path and let it tell me where it came from like a referral?
    For example lets say I am at pgm1.php and at the top of that program i put something like.

    $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

    Result: https://www.mydomain.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=lambo

    As you can clearly see the page that we have entered the code in is referred by the URL here.

    It tells me that it was last at a word press page /wp-admin/admin-php and I can go to that page and it will be the last page it was at..

    So bottom line then if i add this code to the admin page and click the same button i had before.. it will tell me the file that called out the admin page.

    Baslcaly I am looking for ideas on how to track the page i am now all the way back to the page with the button on it and all intermediate pages that it passes thru to get to the final destination.  It seems that to succesfully troubleshoot a fault is to follow the path of the entire job and see if any breaks...

    Any thoughts or suggestions on how to best do this would greatly be appreciated.


  10. I have seen the capability to put the mouse on the top curly brace for a function or foreach etc and the matching curly brace would lite up.. can anyone steer me to something like that or give me an easy way to find the matching curly brace without having to try to analyze which are open and which are closed till you finally figure out which one is the matching one... Thanks..


  11. I have used this command before and cannot remember the name or how to deploy it.. sorta like implode but different..

    what it does is take an associative array and makes individual variables out of the array like this.

    $str = arrray("dog->catkiller", "house->placetolive:)

    and when applied results in the following.
    $dog = "catkiller";

    $house = "placetolive";


    Can anyone help me with this.. I need the command name and a sample of its use..


  12. Thanks for the information of about the Array A the original program writer chimed in and gave me that very same info... but thanks anyway.. it is working great now...  I am sure that when enough folks complain about the extract being a bad command.. they will eventually get around to removing it... meanwhile.. for a very simple ten line program I will contine to use it .. since it is so much faster and simpler to extract the data line by line...

  13. My friend you already told me I was lazy and a horrible programmer... so let it go.. if you have nothing useful to say please say nothing.. and speakng of 281 posts and a member less that 30 days means nearly 10 posts per day.. I certanily hope you are not just throwing out NON useful comments just to advance your status...looks like the goal is to get as many posts as possible so you look advanced... so please offer useful help or go away.. thanks..

  14. I think I tried extract(siteurl[0] but let me do it again.. just to make sure... thanks for the suggestion..
    Nope siteurl[0] did not work.. but not sure if that would change the variable names...
    and yes.. extract works great on wordpress.. normally .. have used it a lot.. and even now its working great when I manually build the array myself.. it is auto naming the varialbes like below:
    it takes the key and makes it the variable name... like if key = a and variable = horse then it becomes $a = "horse"  so each key value adds the dollar sign and becomes the variable name and in the variable is  the actual variable.. really slick..

  15. Do you have other simple ways of getting that data.. I tried that unlazy man's way and it worked fine for the manual input but not for the auto
    for example here is the result..

    for the manual array.....
    my_array[option_id] = 1
    my_array[option_name] = siteurl
    my_array[option_value] = http://foreclosure-city.info

    for the automated array....
    siteurl[option_id] =
    siteurl[option_name] =
    siteurl[option_value] =

    so can you see anything i am doing wrong or offer any useful suggestions that might help me...

    I must not be doing something right..


  16. When I build an array manually then apply the php command extract all is well.. however when I query a data base in mysql the extract does not work.. I do notice a slight difference when viewing the print_r version.. but not sure if that is causing a problem.

    You can see an image of the resutls of the run here: http://screencast.com/t/0JZMLQQV71u
    and you can actually run the program here: http://foreclosure-city.info/wp-content/plugins/idx-plus/tom-test.php


    Here is the code I am having problems with:



    global $wpdb;
    define('WP_DEBUG', TRUE);

    $my_array = array("option_id" => "1", "option_name" => "siteurl", "option_value" => "http://foreclosure-city.info");

    print "<pre>";
    print "</pre>";


    echo "\$option_id = $option_id; \$option_name = $option_name; \$option_value = $option_value";

    echo "<br><h1>Begin part II of the test...</h1><br>";

    The 3 variables were blanked here to get rid of the values from the first part of the program..

    $siteurl = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE `option_name` LIKE 'siteurl'");

    print "<pre>";
    print "</pre>";


    echo "\$option_id = $option_id; \$option_name = $option_name; \$option_value = $option_value";

  17. When you have a php page located in the plugin directory in a folder for example /myplugin and in one of the pages loaded on my backend does not have the full url.. meaning relative for example options.php w/o any of the url.. (relative url) No <base href" is being used as far as I can tell. and when submitted it sends a bunch of post data.. to someurl/options.php which I can't find. Is there anyway to know for sure where its going... I assumed that since its a relative URL and its in the normal wp /plugin folder and then in /myplugin folder that the URL would be /plugin/myplugin/option.php Is that correct?... the problem I cannot find options.php in the /plugin folder or /myplugin folder so where the heck is it landing.. is there any way to find out? I tried changing the options.php to option,php w/o the s in the hopes it would call out an error like 404 and show the path... I also put in a full url in front of it and caught it on the other end with a master post catcher command and it showed lots of data being sent by post.. so it works great.. but i cannot find the physical file..nor the actual full url to track the file down at the end of the landing page.
    Please help...


  18. Thanks Ch0cu3r

    that was perfect.. exactly what I wanted.. you saved me several hours as I had already begun to go to each <input box and grab the name so that I could set up a post to receive that name.. wow .. that was a mistake there were over 500 variables.. wow.. so that printed the variable name and the value perfectly.... thanksagain..

    Thanks Psycho for the warning.. would have been valuable to a beginner who did not know that.. but what I am doing is a one time closed capture of the "names" and initial data... before setting up to recevive the name and data in a normal post... so thanks for your input...I am sure you would have been able to answer had I been a little more clear...


    all you guy have been great...


  19. when I send a <form "get"> to another page i know to capture it with

    $dog = $_GET['dat'] but i need to know the variables..no problem I can see them in the URL..


    But the question is what do I use to caputre the entire incoming post so i ca separated the variable from the data..

    I also know that I can get one of the incoming variable with

    $cat = $_POST ['dat']  but I need the entire unknown huge post string to come in and get broken out as follows.


    $dog = "pet"

    $horse = "four legs"


    can someone help me... grab the entire post when it comes and break it down to varialbes and data

    even when I have no idea what the variables or data will look like..




  20. Thank you all for all your valuable suggestions and referral URLs that I can see are right on the money.. I see a lot to study to see if I can make this simple item work for me..Thanks cyberRobot.. good call on WP.. this php does run on a wordpress site..  In the references given I can see some of my format like "return self::$my_static;". 


    Right on Scootash.. exactly what I am trying to do is understand this syntax: IDX_Plus::get_data('excerpt');


    So Scootash: base on what I have above all this IDX_Plus stuff may be a class then correct?

    class IDX_Plus
    public static function print()
    echo 'Hello World!';



    So I really appreciate all the little tidbits.. they are helping me significantly... i know basic PHP prettty good but lousy with classes and would love to learn more about it.. and will use this to study in detail more about these specific examples..

    So please anyone reading this throw in any snippet or examples I could look at that use the syntax  even close to this IDX_Plus::get_data('excerpt');

    I was so happy today when I saw my post not thrown out as I realize this is sorta an odd question with no real answer but a lot of little remarks that help a lot..


    So can I expound a little and maybe others will see what I am trying to do and can offer thoughts or ideas..
    1. The way i understand it is Item 1 at the top.. is getting some stored data from somewhere I suppose cache storage or someplace else and placing it in variable $excerpt and we are success full as the echo at echo1 shows the data taken from storage.
    2. Item 2 attempts to re-store the very same data to same place it came from... but I doubt it was successful since if I try to store any other data there it does not change..
    3. Item 3 attempts to get the data again to see if it stored.. but i think it just got another copy.. since when I tried to store something different there it failed.
    4. Item 4 uses a wordpress command to shorten the data that was grabbed in item 1.. and it is successful based on echo 3.
    5. item 5 attempts to write the short data over a new variable.. i think that may be the problem.. I have to set up the variable before it can be written to..

    6. Item 6 is an attempt to read the new varialbe but fails.... so was there some prep work that was needed before I could write to that varialbe...


    I really appreciate your patience and i will study all the references to the nth degree.. so if anyone has any other thoughs or references please help... I know you all want to say.. get a good OOP book and go from cover to cover... I would if I had time.. but I am hoping to lean enough here to be dangerous..

    Thank you all soooooo much...


  21. Can someone help me understand what this type of php is... classes etc..

    // item 1 ***** get the excerpt *****
    $excerpt = IDX_Plus::get_data('excerpt');
    echo "echo-1  excerpt = $excerpt<br><br>";
    // item 2 ***** set the excerpt ***********
    IDX_Plus::set_data( 'excerpt', $excerpt);
    // item 3 ***** get the excerpt again *******
    $excerpt = IDX_Plus::get_data('excerpt');
    echo "echo-2  excerpt = $excerpt<br><br>";
    // &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
    // item 4 now shorten the excerpt
    // ***** shorten the excerpt ***********
    $short_excerpt = wp_trim_words($excerpt,10);
    echo "echo-3  short_excerpt = $short_excerpt<br><br>";
    // item 5 ***** set short_excerpt ***********
    IDX_Plus::set_data( 'short_excerpt', $short_excerpt);
    // item 6 ***** get short_excerpt again *******
    $short_excerpt = IDX_Plus::get_data('short_excerpt');
    echo "echo-4  short_excerpt = $short_excerpt<br><br>";

    I can't get it to work so if someone can point me to where I can find info on how this type of php works I will be forever grateful...it pulls data form a cache storage on the web and tries to shorten the output and write the short line back to a new variable..The results look like below:

    Resulting output:
    echo-1 excerpt = Wonderful family home in desirable South Torrance neighborhood. Light and bright, this 'one owner' home boasts original hardwood floors and 'classic' 1953 tile in kitchen and bath. The freshly painted interior, new kitchen and bathroom faucets, new vinyl floor in bath, and new water heater, make this home move-in ready. Large 'pool size' fenced yard for the kids. Perfect for your buyers who love the classic look of the 50's, or for those looking to remodel and expand.
    echo-2 excerpt = Wonderful family home in desirable South Torrance neighborhood. Light and bright, this 'one owner' home boasts original hardwood floors and 'classic' 1953 tile in kitchen and bath. The freshly painted interior, new kitchen and bathroom faucets, new vinyl floor in bath, and new water heater, make this home move-in ready. Large 'pool size' fenced yard for the kids. Perfect for your buyers who love the classic look of the 50's, or for those looking to remodel and expand.
    echo-3 short_excerpt = Wonderful family home in desirable South Torrance neighborhood. Light and…
    echo-4 short_excerpt =  the short line does not appear so it must not have saved...
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