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Posts posted by ColinDoody

  1. Hello everyone- I sure hope Im posting in the right section ...

    Anyways; I was really hoping someone could help me out with this. We are developing a website to showcase work for an organization, and we have hit a little road bump with authentication ... this organization already has a central database with usernames and passwords that are used throughout the system. The people who access the website will also need to be members of this organization, so we would like to obviously access this database directly so that people dont need to reregister usernames .

    After logging in, we then store information to that USERNAME in our own database. So, for example, if abc1234 were to use our showcase website, we would first want abc1234 to log in to gain access to the site (verifying that login with the central database) and then when abc1234 flagged something, we would have our own database saying "abc1234 flagged xxx"

    Make sense so far? hopefully ... anyways ... heres the issue

    The organization has said the only way they would probably allow us to do "username verification" is using a .htaccess file. Using a .htaccess file it is VERY easy to check with the central database to allow or disallow access to certain features.

    My question ends up being this: as far as I know, to do a username/password check with .htaccess, all I have ever seen is that sort of ... secured directory thing where a window pops up and asks for both the username and password ... but since we need to do MORE with the username, that pop-up window is insufficient ... is there any way for us to allow the user to enter username and password via two forms on a webpage and use PHP (or any technology, if anyone out there is familiar with one) that allows us to then VERIFY that the user has logged in appropriately with the htaccess file and continue using that username value as a session variable to use it in our local database?

    ... I sure hope that made sense  :D

    Thank you for any help you can offer
  2. Hey everyone. I appreciate the help.

    So I am developing a prototype site for a company and I am doing user registration at this point. User enters an email address, password, some other checkboxes and the like that are linked up with an sql database. On submit, the page calls itself and sends data usually through the post method defined on the form tag.

    Problem is, I think Id really like to do simple validation steps before the form gets sent. So, for example, Id like to make sure fields are filled in before the submit is made. So that can be accomplished through javascript quite easily correct?

    My issue is that by calling a javascript function I then replace the POST method, correct? And if I am replacing the POST method, I dont believe my POST data will be available when I recall the page.

    So how could i do this? I dont want to set the variables through GET because there is a password involved. Is there any way that in javascript i can force the variables into the POST slots?

    Thank you. I hope that made sense. I can be quite a n00b sometimes.
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