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  1. Why would I want to confuse anyone? I was asking for suggestions. And two sets of data? Are you referring to the JSON I posted in the image? That would be an array of 2 objects. And, I do appreciate your looking to help but, the issue turned out to be the fact that I was running MAUI code and Androids do not post to http - only https. I switched to Windows and it worked as expected. Thank you, though.
  2. I have an API created in PHP. I have been struggling with sending JSON as a POST. I have POSTMAN working with the API and JSON but, I cannot seem to get it to work from C#. In the PHP server code, I have been using URL parameters with "functionname='GetProducts'?data="merchantId=100" but I'd like to POST with JSON content instead of the URL values. Any help would be appreciated.
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