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  1. Excellent, thank you! Interesting that foreach (array_keys($tokenArr) as $val) I used elsewhere for similar code to be replaced did not work, but your code did.
  2. Thanks for the response! Here is the code for the while loop. "each" is combined with $errMess==" " : while (($errMess == "") && (list(,$val) = each($tokenArr))) { $this->log->notice(sprintf($SearchEngineConst['TokenInSequenceMsg'],$val["item"])); if ($val["type"] == "operand") { $this->log->notice(sprintf($SearchEngineConst['OperandPushedToArrayMsg'],$val["item"])); $tableName = getOrigTmpName(); if ($val["UnaryOp"] == "") { if (preg_match("/^\{(.*)\}$/",$val["item"],$arr)) { $val["item"] = $arr[1]; $this->getSelection($val["item"],$path,"folder",$tableName,$errMess); } else { $this->getSelection($val["item"],$path,"word",$tableName,$errMess); } } else { if (preg_match("/^\{(.*)\}$/",$val["item"],$arr)) { $val["item"] = $arr[1]; $this->getNotSelection($val["item"],$path,"folder",$tableName,$errMess); } else { $this->getNotSelection($val["item"],$path,"word",$tableName,$errMess); } } if ($errMess == "") { $val["item"] = $tableName; array_push($operandStack,$val); } } else if ($val["type"] == "operator") { $op1 = array_pop($operandStack); $op2 = array_pop($operandStack); if (($op1 == NULL) || ($op2 == NULL)) { $errMess = $errMessPrefix.$SearchEngineConst['EmptyOperandStackErrMsg']; $this->log->error($errMess); } if ($errMess == "") { $this->log->notice(sprintf($SearchEngineConst['ExecuteOperationMsg'],$val[item])); $this->log->notice(sprintf($SearchEngineConst['OperationInfoMsg'],$op1,$val[item],$op2)); $this->executeOperation($op1,$op2,$val["item"],$resOperand,$errMess); // old: $this->executeOperation($op1,$op2,$val["item"],&$resOperand,$errMess); } if ($errMess == "") { $this->log->notice(sprintf($SearchEngineConst['OperationResultMsg'],$resOperand[item])); array_push($operandStack,$resOperand); } } else { $errMess = $errMessPrefix.sprintf($SearchEngineConst['TokenTypeUnknownErrMsg'],$val[type]); $this->log->error($errMess); } } //END WHILE LOOP
  3. I am updating my website to PHP 8.2 and I am replacing, among other things, all each() functions. Most are quite easy to replace, but this code has me stumped. How do I replace each() here with a foreach() function. I tried double nesting 2 foreach() functions, but it didn't work. while (($errMess == "") && (list(,$val) = each($tokenArr))) { ... execution commands ... Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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