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  1. <div class="dropzone" id="fileupload"></div> <input type="hidden" id="docus_notes_media" name="sell_document" value=""> <script type="text/javascript"> var sell_file_names = []; dropzoneInstance = $("div#fileupload").dropzone({ url: base_path+'/project/post-media-dropzone-upload', paramName: 'file', uploadMultiple: true, autoProcessQueue: true, headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') }, success: function(file, response) { if (response.success) { toastr.success(response.msg); sell_file_names.push(response.file_name); $('input#docus_notes_media').val(sell_file_names); } else { toastr.error(response.msg); } }, }); </script> I am uploading multiple files and moving files to folder all files are moving but in inspect page hidden sell_document filed show only one file name if i try to save in data base all files are saving with same name can you help me all files name get and show in inspect page if it is show in inspect page i can save backend easily
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