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About jaymc

  • Birthday 01/29/1987

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  1. To cut a long story short I need to display text as an image Obviously this can be done using phps image library but the reason I need to do this is so I can display the text as CMYK, not RGB So my question is, how can I accomplish creating the output image as CMYK?
  2. jaymc


    Im creating a CMS system to run multiple websites. The content and templates are all stored in a mysql database and the only use of files is for the php code/classes that generates the pages. The problem I have is some of the pages generated from the CMS must allow for dynamic output hence I will need the use of PHP. I know eval() can execute data e.g straight from a mysql database but that would pretty much allow a user to have some serious access to the system. Can anyone think of a better solution? It would be good if I could use eval() alongside some good security limitations that stopped them from using certain functions related to reading files / delete functions.
  3. Does anyone know of a free API to lookup a UK postcode and return street, city, town etc..
  4. I have wrote quite a lot of user login applications however I would like to double check something with some of the great minds to validate whether a member is logged in (hence has access to membership pages) I have always used the below code if (!isset($_SESSION['memberID'])) { die('Please login'); } That seems good to me based on the only way $_SESSION['memberID'] can be set is by going through the login process which of course requires valid username/password Is that how you guys do it? Is my way safe?
  5. jaymc


    Yes similar, but more aimed at sitting over the top of a textarea which contains html
  6. jaymc


    Im building a CMS (content management system) for my customers to manage their website I use http://ckeditor.com/demo to control the page content which for me is great, but then again i 9 times out of 10 go into raw source code view and make the changes that way. However, the type of people that will be using it to edit and add content/pages are not web designers. Their experience in this type of thing starts and ends with the likes of Microsoft Word / Publisher. Mainly click and drag type approach In other words, very simple things like aligning elements left and right with maybe something in the centre to, with text wrapped around it is not so easy even with a wysiwyg Is there any other framework out there that can be plugged into a textarea and give them easy and flexiable control of content and designing pages. Microsoft publisher is as close as I can give as an example. You literally just drag and drop elements which allows you pin point precision on how your page will look, even if your a novice.
  7. I usually rewrite none www. urls using this method rewritecond %{http_host} ^website.co.uk [nc] rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://www.website.co.uk/$1 [r=301,nc] Although that works, I need a way to do it where I do not need to statically set the domain name as the same vhost will be used for multiple deomains, hence I cant statically set the domain name as its dynamic e.g something like this (obviously not correct syntax) rewritecond %{http_host} ^{$DOMAIN} [nc] rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://www.{$DOMAIN}/$1 [r=301,nc] Any ideas how to elimate the need to statically assign url?
  8. Yeh index.php but because of the dynamic vhost it needs rewritebase
  9. I have the following <VirtualHost 87.117.x.x> UseCanonicalName Off DocumentRoot /mnt/codebase/monthly VirtualDocumentRoot /mnt/codebase/monthly/%-2/ RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ ?pageName=$1 [QSA] </VirtualHost> Because Im using dynamic vhost the rewrite rule will not work without RewriteBase / if I put this in .htaccess it works fine RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ ?pageName=$1 [QSA] But when I take it out of .htaccess and put into the vhost so it applies to all websites I get this error rewritebase: only valid in per-directory config files Im a bit stuck? Any ideas?
  10. Yeh it does sound like you have pretty much what I am trying to do. Do you have rules in the list so that root file requests such as sitemap.xml automatically forward to something like /home/$1/sitemap.xml Can you advise of any limitations you have run into using the dynamic approach? The last thing I want to do is set this all up running smooth then have to revert back due to silly issue that cant be resolved.
  11. I have full access yes, just didnt want to end up with a vhost file with 100s of vhosts if there was a way to do it dynamically e.g this potentually looks ok http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/mass.html What are your thoughts?
  12. I am creating a CMS which will allow people to create websites using a a global website script. There content/pages etc are all stored in a mysql database, which is pulled out based on their website URL. So basically all websites have the same docRoot That works fine, however I need the ability to serve static files from the websites root directory, and of course, every website will have the same root directory! e.g www.site.com/sitemap.xml Am I right in thinking the best solution to do this is by using VirtualHost and Alias e.g Alias /sitemap.xml /masterDIR/www.site.com/sitemap.xml Is there a better way?
  13. Isn't that pretty much a paraphrase of this post? Didnt see that post! Cool so now I know What a pain What are the ways around it other than using register globals Any other solutions
  14. php_info(); register_globals Off Off
  15. I was hoping someone could just say .. Are you running this function inside another function? As no one knows any obvious causes I have stripped out my code to try and find the root culpret Is that the reason then? Because I have functions nested in functions.
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