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Everything posted by jaymc

  1. I have 2 tables and each of those tables are linked by an ID which is the same in both tables 1: g_images (id=id) 2: g_rates (id=Gid) I want to select a random row from g_images where the id DOES NOT exist in g_rates Dont worry about the random bit, I need to know how to do a reverse kind of INNER JOIN so it will only pull a row from g_images if there is no adjacent ID in g_rates
  2. I have bespoke website which I have coded using PHP and a MYSQL backend for members My question is, the entire website is written in english language which is hard coded into the php pages e.g. $content = "Hello this is $page_one this text is hard coded"; echo $header echo $content echo $footer I now have a project where I must create different language versions of the website. Some my still be enlgish but written to appeal to english speaking Indians, others may be a spanish / french version What are your thoughts on the best way to go about this. I want to keep the engine (database/code) all together, so no cloning the website and changing the hard code It would be good to load different language via php. I have read a bit about compiling every bit of text into language packs which contain arrays you just include in the php in place of where the hard code once was What are your views on tackling something like this
  3. Cheers guys
  4. It seems very tedius especially when I have 5+ variables I need to use Are you saying this is the correct and only ways to go about this?
  5. How can I use external variables within a function. At the moment I am having to use global $varname; for every single var I need to use within that function e.g. function block_build($id) { global $session; global $gallery_user; global $link; global $gallery_name; global $front_image; global $rounded_top; global $rounded_bottom; }
  6. I have a lot of javascript files on my website. My question is, once they have visited the page hence all the .js files cached etc, will it slow down the page the fact that I have my javascript script split up in multiple files as appposed to 1 master <script src="/java/jquery.3.1.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/java/jquery.simplyscroll.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/java/moorainbow/mootools.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/java/moorainbow/mooRainbow.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/java/flashobject.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/java/global-v5.js"></script> <script src="/java/popup.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/flirtchat/js/config.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/flirtchat/js/cookies.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/flirtchat/js/fly.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/flirtchat/js/dc.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/java/up_down_tooltip.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/java/drag.js"></script> I mean I could merge all the javascript code togeter in one file call java.js but its not very good to manage if I need to make changes.
  7. Perfect Thanks
  8. Take a look at this site http://comjunus.free-datings.com I want a javascript version of the flash scroller they have at the top of the page. When you move your mouse to the end of the banner it scrolls right and when you move your mouse to the start it scrolls left. When you move your mouse away/centre it stops on the current content in view I dont even know what this effect is called to try and search for some free open source code Can anyone help?
  9. jaymc

    cross check

    I have a simple query where I am using a join to pull out all usernames from a members table where the field propic is equal to 0 That works fine, however I must also check to see if their username and type != 'emailed' on a third table Its checking the 3rd table thats causing me problems. If there is no username|emailed row in the 3rd table I want it to pull out there username, otherwise return no match SELECT m.username FROM members m INNER JOIN cache c on m.username = c.username LEFT JOIN email_log e ON m.username = e.username WHERE c.propic = '0' AND e.type != 'emailed'
  10. Yes but I had to change it to this str_replace("\r\n\r\n" \r\n\r\n to pick up the line breaks
  11. Ah yes, cool Thanks
  12. That will cause <p>paragraph one will go here</p> <p>paragraph two will go here</p> <p></p> Wont it?
  13. Whats the best way in PHP to turn this paragraph one will go here paragraph two will go here <p>paragraph one will go here</p> <p>paragraph two will go here</p> It needs to wrap <p> </p> tags around a paragraph, which should be triggered with double line break
  14. It is defined though as I have urchin.js included and the error isnt saying something is undefined... Object issue..?
  15. <script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> I do call that on my page, The code I pasted was all java not in .js files
  16. I wrote a lot of it but I use things like SwfFlashObject Thats fine urchinTracker() is refferenced further up in the code
  17. Here I have this <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var init_user = ""; var init_password = ""; </script> <script type="text/javascript">Drag.init(document.getElementById("draglol"));</script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-272345490-1"; urchinTracker(); </script>
  18. Is the error occurring with a certain version of IE? - IE6 and IE7 Do you have any code that's supposed to fire when the page is unloaded? NO Have you checked it with FireFox and FireBug? No ALERT error with firefox but I guess thats because this is an IE thing (alerting) Can you generate the error yourself? NO Are you waiting to load the JS until after the HTML is fully rendered? NO Im just wondering why IE says its on LINE1 CHAR1. Is that where I should be looking?
  19. A lot of my users (not all) get this IE alert when closing my website. The issue is, it does not give any indication to the function/line where the error is being triggered Any ideas how to debug this. I have about 2000 lines of javascript in 5 files... so not feasible to do this manually There is nothing wrong with LINE 1 or CHAR 1 and if I remove that line completely I still get the error [attachment deleted by admin]
  20. Thanks for comments guys
  21. Maybe google reads image location... I was told its a special thing e.g. google and W3C have teamed up kind of thing..?
  22. My website now passes W3C validator which I have done to try and help SEO Im just wondering. the logo they allow you to put on your website to show its valid, does google take notice of it? In other words, if google see's that I have taken the time to make the code valid to standards will it give me more of an advantage with google in terms of SEO?
  23. jaymc

    W3 validate

    I mean in general is google going to have an issue if I have <BR> instead of <br />
  24. jaymc

    W3 validate

    pages are nested in php code so cant just have it auto fix Will this effect seo?
  25. Hi, I have just ran the W3 validator on my website home page and it has found 393 errors I am told this can cause problems with SEO optimisation, e.g. bots may not be able to read code However, most of the errors are I dont have / at the end of <BR> for example <BR /> And <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="English"> should be <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="English" /> Also, UPPER CASE is used Is this something I need to correct to help SEO. I know its standards, but its a lot of work just to get that validator to turn green. I only want to do it if its going to benefit SEO for sure Any ideas?
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