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Posts posted by mark_aok

  1. @ mgallforever - The code you suggested never returns true.


    @BlueSkyIS - $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] is always equal to post, because the form in the page is set to "post".  Even if the user never submits it.  But that code works for you?  How?  For me it still shows the error stuff...


    Thanks for the suggestions so far though, I'm really not sure why I'm finding this so difficult to do.

  2. Hi all,


    I have a form that validates itself by putting "<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" as the form's action.


    I have now written some simple validation, shown below.

    $name = $_POST['name'];

    if (!isset($name) || empty($name)) {

        echo "Error, please fill in the name textbox";



    The problem is, this code shows up, even if the user has never submitted the form.


    How do I only show the error AFTER the user has pressed my submit button??




  3. In Dreamweaver go to the code viewing, and find out where this is. When you find it if you cannot delete it add this to the beginning <? , since ?> is the ending of php as you know this could be the ending of a php section, plz message back with a bit more info...



    -hope this helps,


  4. Alright this could mean one of many problems, before I can give you a solution, you have to tell me your OS, and apache version, whether you are on a network, and if so your ip adress, but as for now I can tell you the likely problems.


    1.) Apache is not starting - If apache is not starting correctly half the time it will not give you an error message, to check if it is starting properly, try to either stop the server, or restart, if it tells you that no apache server is in existance, then there is something wrong there.


    2.) There is something wrong with the configuration file. This can be pretty annoying because if there is a serious problem with the config file it will not run at all.


    3.) It is not recognizing your computers ip adress, on Linux you have to fix /etc/hosts, on Windows do ipconfig on an msdos prompt and make sure the IP adress returned is the right one...


    4.) You are not accessing your site right. The main ways to get to your apache server are http://localhost,, and http://your-ip-adress


    But as for now check your error logs, and on your next post put exactly what its saying....



  5. Well, It\'s not that it hangs, it just sort of sits there for a while, and then starts up linux. I think it is trying to get the DNS lookup for should do something like dhcppc1.localHost or something, because in the file there was originally this localhost.localdomain localhost I\'ll talk to people at my church about this though, but thankyou so much for helping me so far efiggy, I really apreciate it, and I got apache working locally, thanks man,


    happy easter !!!!

  6. :roll: Well I have ServerName set up and it does nothing, the spelling is right dont worry. I\'ve tried, and I\'ve tried, but every time I get the same error about dhcppc1, so I am not sure where it is getting this from...



    ALSO, on the loggin screen for Redhat 8.0 it tells me that gnome cannot work pefectly because dhcppc1 is not a proper name, (dns lookup) it tells me to configure the etc/hosts file...


    Should I add something like this??


    dhcppc1 local host

    I got no clue how to fix it, ServerName and conical or whatever is doing nothing, so what can I configure?? should I change the mod_unique_id.C file????



    PLZ help :cry::cry:

  7. Yup with the canonical thing, I tried it on, and off and it still gives me the exact same error...........


    [Thu Apr 17 19:15:17 2003] [alert] (22002)Name or service not known: mod_unique_id: unable to find IPv4 address of \"dhcppc1\"

    Configuration Failed


    It\'s not configuring thus apache cannot run, I think I found another thing that might be the cause of this pathetic error, the hosts file - /etc/hosts


    Here is what is says


    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs

    # that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost



    If anyone knows how to tell it that dhcppc1 is not supposed to be looked up as a dns name plz help,



  8. same problem it is giving me the same error.....


    It\'s not about allowing ip\'s its about telling this stupid thing that my ip isn\'t dhcppc1 so that it knows that that isn\'t supposed to be a \"valid dns name\", no matter what I try it keeps telling me that dhcppc1 is\'nt supposed to be a domain name.


    It says configuration failed, and without the config file apache cannot launch, that is the problem, but I have no idea how to set the ip in Linux, anyone have any ideas?

  9. No, I cannot access my server whatsoever, I think it is because of this error, it doesn\'t know where to route the files...


    Below is the result from ifconfig, but my ipadress never changes externally, but my internal one ( does. But do you know anything about how I change it so It knows that my ip is ??? The module\'s dns is messing up I think...

    i did IFCONFIG, here\'s what I got,


    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:10:B5:83:BB:6B

    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


    RX packets:457 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

    TX packets:480 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

    collisions:0 txqueuelen:100

    RX bytes:271423 (265.0 Kb) TX bytes:126257 (123.2 Kb)

    Interrupt:11 Base address:0x6000


    lo Link encap:Local Loopback

    inet addr: Mask:

    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1

    RX packets:136 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

    TX packets:136 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

    RX bytes:8776 (8.5 Kb) TX bytes:8776 (8.5 Kb)

  10. Hey everyone I am on a network and my local ip is I am trying to run apache 2 on RedHat Linux and I am having some problems starting it, 2 of them.


    1.) First of all I am getting this error....

    [Thu Apr 17 17:25:35 2003] [alert] (22002)Name or service not known: mod_unique_id: unable to find IPv4 address of \"dhcppc1\"

    Configuration Failed


    I understand that dhcppc1 is not a dns name so mod_unique_id is mad and not working, but I have this set...


    UseCanonicalName on


    How do I change this dhcppc1 thing, is there a way I can make that my ip???


    2.) My server starts fine, but nothing can be accessed so I tried restarting the server, but it cant because it cant find the httpd.pid file, this does not exist, should I create it? and If show what should I put in it???



    -Thanks in advance


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