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Everything posted by ignace

  1. No otherwise you would have gotten the same error in that previous script. Otherwise remove all those lines ($temp = .. to $value = $temp : and just keep $value = addslashes($value); and see if the error then still turns up.
  2. Possibly because you are running XAMPP on the background?
  3. Same here so what line did you get that error? and what is on that line and the line above and below?
  4. Well sure but I'm gonna need some more info because your code does not make a lot of sense like what are the "else" for? When I rewrite it I get: $course_title = trim($course_title); $course_maxweeks = 48; if ('Business English' === $course_title) { $course_maxweeks = 2;//?? } else if ('IELTS Exam Preparation' === $course_title) { for ($week = 4; $week <= $course_maxweeks; $week += 4) { echo '<option>', $week, '</option>'; } } else if ('IELTS Foundation Test Course' === $course_title) { for ($week = 4; $week <= $course_maxweeks; $week += 4) { echo '<option>', $week, '</option>'; } } else { for ($week = 2; $week <= $course_maxweeks; ++$week) { echo '<option>', $week, '</option>'; } } Notice the question marks on top
  5. SELECT (CASE WHEN f.follower IS NULL THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END) AS following, b.* FROM businesses b LEFT JOIN followers f ON b.id = f.followee What this code does is it selects all records from the table businesses and then left joins it with relationships. So let's assume we have 3 businesses and one user is following 2 of them: businesses 1, business_name1, telephone1, .. 2, business_name2, telephone2, .. 3, business_name3, telephone3, .. relationships 1, 1 1, 2 If I know perform a left join I get as a result: business_id, business_name, business_telephone, .., relationships_follower, relationships_followee 1, business_name1, telephone1, .., 1, 1 2, business_name2, telephone2, .., 1, 2 3, business_name3, telpehone3, .., NULL, NULL Notice the NULL these indicate businesses the user is not following so we could to this in PHP itself but MySQL has the data... (CASE WHEN r.follower IS NULL THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END) AS following In PHP I can check if the user is following the business with: echo $row['following'];//Yes|No I use follower and followee to make it easier to read then to use id1, id2. You should also notice that a business does not follow a user so the followee column always contains the id of a business never that of a user therefor we don't need hard-to-read stuff like: (id1 = u.id or id1 = b.id) and (id2 = u.id or id2 = b.id) SELECT (CASE WHEN r.follower IS NULL THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END) AS following, b.* FROM businesses b LEFT JOIN relationships r ON b.id = r.followee WHERE r.follower = $uid
  6. foreach ($_FILES ++ as $file) Is wrong and should be: foreach ($_FILES['upload'] as $file) But this only works if you uploaded multiple files or you declared name="upload[]"
  7. function thirdparty_linkification($content) { //.. } plugin_register('news_content', 'thirdparty_linkification'); Assum a third-party developer wrote this. His plugin will linkify e-mails and http links in news articles more specifically in the content (body) of the article. I as a developer then write: function cms_get_latest_news($number = 10) { //.. while ($article = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $article['content'] = plugin_apply('news_content', $article['content']); } return $articles; } This will give each and every registered plugin a chance of doing what it wants to do (linkify, footer, ..) I could expand this by adding for example news_time which will give every plugin a chance of telling how it should be formatted and so on.
  8. Plus would your text file be faster you think without it's indexes? Not to mention it's size?
  9. Are you referring to "Duration of Accommodation" that goes from 2 to 48? And what code do you use for this?
  10. That is not a problem it will take a serious amount of time before you start noticing and even then you still have options like clustering and partitioning.
  11. If you are amazed over this then you should have seen the things that a teacher wrote in front of class on his beamer in college. And let me tell you that they do not like it when you point out their mistake(s)... Hell I heard they had an internal team working on their website.. and yeah those bugs were present there to. Login was as simple as: ' OR 1=1 -- I even had once a teacher which was a head of a company that created websites for big clients and had their framework open-sourced. So when I took a peak at the code...
  12. foreach (array_rand($towns, 120) as $key) { print $towns[$key]; }
  13. try this: if (isset($_POST['header'])) { $header = intval($_POST['header']); echo 'You choose: ', $header; // outputs: 1, 2 or 3 //.. }
  14. I wonder if this could work? SELECT b.*, following AS (CASE (SELECT * FROM followers WHERE (id1 = u.id or id1 = b.id) and (id2 = u.id or id2 = b.id)) WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) FROM businesses b, user u WHERE u.id = $uid; In your PHP you would then just check: if (0 == $row['following']) { echo '<follow/>'; } Edit: silly me SELECT (CASE WHEN f.follower IS NULL THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END) AS following, b.* FROM businesses b LEFT JOIN followers f ON b.id = f.followee
  15. Weird do you get that error by using the clean() function? Because I ran this little test: error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); function clean($value, $db = null) { $value = strip_tags($value); $value = htmlentities($value); $temp = @mysql_real_escape_string($value, $db) ? $value = $temp : $value = addslashes($value); return $value; } $var = 'hello world'; $var = clean($var); And didn't return any errors.
  16. Yes just remember to add indexes if not primary key.
  17. First rename your checkboxes to radio buttons <input type="radio" .. Then make sure all input's have the same name: <input type="radio" name="header" value="1" .. <input type="radio" name="header" value="2" .. <input type="radio" name="header" value="3" .. Your user is now only able to select 1 header. In your PHP you write: if (isset($_POST['header'])) { $header = intval($_POST['header']); //echo $header; // outputs: 1, 2 or 3 //.. } The rest is up to you
  18. I also want to give you some friendly advice: buy a book on software development and read the sections about variable types and conversions very carefully. A good start: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.php You should just like me be able to tell that after the instruction: $adebt=($adue-$apaid)== mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['adebt']); $adebt = false; and that in an integer context it translates to 0 unless $adue - $apaid indeed match adebt in which $adebt = true and 1 shows up in your db if you had used === then $adebt would have always been false (yes, you must be able to tell that in a blink of an eye)
  19. THIS. This is wrong! $adebt=($adue-$apaid)== mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['adebt']); Which also explains the 0 as false in an integer context shows up as 0 and like Mchl said it's: $adebt=($adue-$apaid); It's that simple get rid of that .._string($_POST['adebt']);
  20. youtube.. you are in for some trouble
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