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Everything posted by ignace

  1. I was merely painting contrast
  2. Care to explain what you were then suggesting?
  3. The total users of this website is 0.0000562% of all internet users using the data provided by http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm and http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?action=mlist.
  4. Not according to these statistics they don't... They do according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_web_browsers. 70% of statistics is make-believe anyway. Vista shipped with IE7 and they still do unless they told the Update client to update IE explicitly. Windows 7 clients have IE8. Believing everyone is browsing IE9 is just plain dumb and won't be unless they get an enormous incentive like "a free Ferrari for everyone who upgrades to FF4 or Chrome 10" (not going to happen!!).
  5. Because it goes against the entire principle of proper database design. Do you really think ALTER TABLE .. ADD COLUMN .. is a better alternative to a simple INSERT INTO .. VALUES ..? Not to mention the performance hit you'll take for choosing to use an ALTER TABLE approach since the entire table will lock every time you add a new 'category' leaving thousands of your users waiting for the table to be unlocked.
  6. What makes you think that using $_GET is insecure? I can manipulate $_POST as much as I could with $_GET even if you add SSL. Your real core problem is that you should sanitize and validate your data before using it.
  7. @OP: execute: SHOW CREATE TABLE RandomNumbers; Don't you mean: create index randomnumbers1_idx on RandomNumbers(random1(32)); create index randomnumbers2_idx on RandomNumbers(random2(32)); create index randomnumbers3_idx on RandomNumbers(random3(32));
  8. Popularity of facebook is crumbling, it has reached about it's maximum potential. Facebook is old we are already looking for new ways.
  9. RewriteEngine On RewirteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule .* index.php This will pass anything that's not an actual file to index.php. So if you request /admin/controller it will be passed like this to index.php. It's possible you'll have to change the uri_protocol in your config.php
  10. Using GetText in combination with POEdit allows you to sync your source with your translations. Considering that a forum has lots of text that's the way you want to go in combination with GuiltyGear's advice. If not POEdit find some other program that allows you to sync your source with your translations or write your own, nevertheless manually managing your translations becomes a burden quickly not to mention what happens when you start collaborating.
  11. Why do you want to call it statically? To access $user_id you need to declare it statically. class MyBase { protected static $user_id = "justin"; } class Test extends MyBase { public static function get_user_id() { return self::$user_id; // or static::$user_id (5.3.x+) or parent::$user_id; } } print Test::get_user_id();
  12. I am not the author of the website but I think it's pretty obvious the programming language was PHP backed by a MySQL database. So you should at least learn 5 languages: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
  13. That's not IE's fault!
  14. It's in every browser. It's not specific to one browser.
  15. Never wrote XHTML? You do know XML and XSLT, do you?
  16. If you feel better by it, then rant on!
  17. IE is not the best browser around and we all know that. But daily internet users don't even know what a Browser is, because they never heard the word. Even Internet Explorer means nothing to them. Hard to believe, but very true. However these people make up for roughly 80% of the market of whom one of may be your boss or your client and they don't care about your grudges/frustration. All they think of is the deliverable and the time for product-to-market. As a software developer you have a responsibility and not damage/lose your honor by something as stupid as IE. There are many good reasons to go against the stream, but IE is not one of them!
  18. I never said Smarty is a good templating engine. A template engine is to assist designers in creating the templates without having to learn PHP or anything complex, and PHPTal succeeds in this by using default XHTML syntax. If your template engine imitates basic PHP syntax then you could as well be writing PHP which in itself can be considered a template engine.
  19. Show all variables? Declare global variables? Include a file? Assign constants? That's not a template engine, but a programming language. Many of PHP's typical syntax is still visible. It should make designers easier to write/make templates. PHPTal really hits the nail on the head by allowing you to write simple XHTML to create your templates.
  20. Submit your POST data to different/same page, process it, then redirect them to wherever it is you want them to go. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post/Redirect/Get if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // do stuff with $_POST // change from POST to GET header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); exit(0); } // form
  21. Should be correct, since lastbump <= lastbump - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE makes no sense as this will always be true regardless if it has been 10 minutes.
  22. I like your sense of humor: http://www.kithell.com/#/profile&id=2 hehe http://www.kithell.com/#/profile&id=34 .. http://www.kithell.com/#/profile&id=22 (kit)Hell and friendship/romance don't work well, think of a different name I can't say anything about your back-end skills, but you certainly have awesome front-end skills. I really like the website, clean!
  23. Start there, don't bother with writing what has been done million times before. Use an existing DB class and write the code needed to complete the task at hand.
  24. If this is that light. Then it's in need of replacement.
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