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Everything posted by ignace

  1. You are looking for FXP (FTP from server-to-server) not all server's support it though. SmartFTP supports it! http://www.smartftp.com/
  2. You mean it hasn't already? Nope, we're only at 99% May 21 It's: "Install Completed Successfully." -> http://www.turnofftheinternet.com/ and we may drop back to 75%
  3. Well you would think that they would be correct after 3 times, right?
  4. Are you sure you haven't installed anything that runs on port 80? Does Apache shows as running (click tray > Apache > Service)?
  5. Click the wampserver icon in the tray and click on Localhost, maybe it's installed on another port.
  6. you have to check for the charCode and when it's a specified key then you do something. That said there are scripts available (or frameworks) you can use that make it easier to find the key(s) that were pressed. These scripts also allow the user to re-map your keys.
  7. $route = array( array('/', 'index', 'index'), array('/about', 'about', 'index'), array('/contact', 'contact', 'index') ); new MyApplication($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $route);
  8. I seriously would look into Zend framework, they wrote it already. Why do it again?
  9. And your question is? EDIT: Is a follow-up on http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/application-design/mvc-and-speed/?topicseen
  10. Yes there is documentation available but only in the GIT repo under a separate branch I think.
  11. Since you wrote 0-9a-zA-Z and you also need to account for _ you'd be better off writing \w instead.
  12. I know ZF has a real Action Helper and View Helper problem and these are often part of the performance bottlenecks. Any chance for a ZF2.0 prototype to see if you still experience the bottleneck?
  13. Do you have a control panel of your server with DNS access? If so, open it and add a new entry: *.your-domain.com IN A your-ip-address This will "forward" everything to your-domain.com and allows you to handle it like this: $country = array_shift(explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])); // eg ireland, france, or www Add the necessary code to handle www, ireland and france. If this feels over your head, hire a freelancer/programmer to do it for you.
  14. The only thing I hate about Portal 2 is that it's only 2 players co-op. I was hoping for portal-mania I haven't played any mods because I didn't knew their were any, but now that you mention it would be nice to play them while I wait for Portal 2 to come out and I can stop playing L4D2 16-player co-op After I finished Portal I have tried the various tricks you find on YouTube to complete a level < 10 seconds or so. I haven't been able to do all tricks, some were too difficult to master.
  15. When it comes to garbage collection OOP is your friend, every-time your code exits a method or you set $class = null it's garbage collected, the same applies for a function. Where as if you have a page with all your code it's only garbage collected at the end of your script or if you called unset() so it's wise to put as much code into functions. There's a topic on this forum about OOP vs Procedural in which I and Anti-Moronic among others have actively participated Their are lots of open-source procedural projects that proof to be maintainable like: PHP, MySQL, Linux, Apache, .. so it all boils down to how you generally organize things. Yup. We are all certified: 99% nerd inside.
  16. $country is not a function, it's a variable. PHP has no function named country.
  17. ignace


    Does anybody ever understand that guy? nope, that's what we love about him I guess
  18. You should define a catch-all DNS entry: *.<your-domain> IN A <ip> Then in your PHP script: $country = array_shift(explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])); // ireland, france, .. Be sure to filter $country and validate before using it in a database.
  19. ZF 2.0; Symfony 2; Star Wars The Clone Wars S3E12-21 Portal 2 Start my own company ..
  20. Google loves content. 10 pages all named Article versus 10 pages with different titles for which people can search for, which do you think is best?
  21. Indeed. A strong learning curve but it will pay off in the future if you know it (I already see more and more companies asking for people that have experience with ZF). ZF 2.0 (currently under development) has been completely refactored (and some rewrites) and uses PHP5.3 and has lots of speed improvements. Diving into ZF also means you will be spending some time learning OO if you don't know already. So having a book handy on OO Principles, Patterns, and Practices will save you some headaches
  22. Like Anti-Moronic already mentioned it isn't. Plus it has nothing to do with OOP RegEx are slow, the manual advises to use normal string functions before moving to RegEx. Again has nothing to do with OOP. What are the URI's in your app? If you don't have many URI's you may aswell just store them in an array: /* $route[ {REQUEST_URI} ] = array( {CONTROLLER}[, {METHOD}[, {PARAM}, .. ] ] ); */ $route['/about'] = array('about', 'index'); $route['/jobs'] = array('about', 'jobs');
  23. ignace


    For those not knowing what CV is referring to (like myself): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auld_Lang_Syne HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
  24. class Artikel { private $db; public function __construct() { $this->db = new MyDB(); } public function find($artikelNummer) { if (!ctype_digit($artikelNummer) || $artikelNummer <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Artikel nummer is ongeldig! Verwachtte een geheel positief getal verschillend van 0, maar kreeg een ' . gettype($artikelNummer) ); } $this->db->doQuery('SELECT * FROM artikel WHERE nummer = ' . int($artikelNummer)); return $this->db->fetch(); } public function getAll() { $this->db->doQuery('SELECT * FROM artikel'); return $this->db->fetch(); } } function printCountryTable($country) { return <<<TABLE <table border="1"> <tr> <td>$country</td> </tr> </table> TABLE; } $artikel = new Artikel(); printCountryTable($artikel->find(1)); How an article and a country are related.. I have no idea! This little example shows you how you effectively can separate your DB interaction and presentation.
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