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Ok, well i have a file form, for some odd reason it won't move directories from the tmp directory, here is the following code, i will point out the error it spews out after the code [code] $uploadedfile = $_FILES['images1']['tmp_name']; // Create an Image from it so we can do the resize $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadedfile); $src2 = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadedfile); // Capture the original size of the uploaded image list($width,$height)=getimagesize($uploadedfile); // For our purposes, I have resized the image to be // 600 pixels wide, and maintain the original aspect // ratio. This prevents the image from being "stretched" // or "squashed". If you prefer some max width other than // 600, simply change the $newwidth variable $newwidth = 800; $newheight = 600; $newwidth2 = 100; $newheight2 = 100; $tmp=imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth,$newheight); $tmp2 = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth2, $newheight2); // this line actually does the image resizing, copying from the loriginal // image into the $tmp image if(imagecopyresampled($tmp,$src,0,0,0,0,$newwidth,$newheight,$width,$height)){ $imagename = $_FILES['image']['name']; $filename = "C:\\xampp\\xampp\\htdocs\\localfind2\\localfind\\img upload\\imgup\\img\\"; $tmp=imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth,$newheight); $folder = "Clients"; //checking to see if the function is working properly due to web drive not supporting imagejpeg($tmp,$filename,100); } else { echo "nay"; } [/code] the error is [quote] Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open 'C:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\localfind2\localfind\img upload\imgup\img\' for writing in C:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\localfind2\localfind\img upload\imageup.php on line 68 [/quote] tryed everything, the path is correct because i have another feild that deals with pdfs and its moving properly
Hey cool man, thanks for that you were a real help. Just a quick question, in saying that, placing the clients folder into the site root folder i can easily access the images there, but then i have an admin section that takes those images and places them into the clients folder, the code makes a dir for the client etc. since i can't seem to backtrack to the preceeding root folder, is there a method or a way that i could go about doing that?, because if i place that catalogue folder inside the site folder as well, then i have other folders that access that catalogue folder and i can't back track so i create the same dilema over and over again. should i place all of the admin elements inside the site folder it's self?, but i also need to be aware of security and sensitive data such as my code. Hrrm another conundrum?
Hey there, i've currently uploaded my site to a hosting server and trying to get everything working properly. In saying that, this web hosting company doesn't support '../' to go to a parent directory due to some 'security reasons' I have been trying absolute paths but that doesn't seem to work either. But ill give you a fair idea of the path /home/localfind (This is the main folder that is set up for me) now i have /home/localfind/site (is the current directory that i am in, and in saying that, i want to get to /home/localfind/Clients (but apparently this wont work?) here is the img i am trying to display [code] echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; //Displays /home/localfind/site echo '<td><a href="info.php?identifier=' . $ident[$x] . '" >' . $title[$x] . "<br/><img src="/home/localfind/Clients/" . $buisness[$x] . "/images/" . $thumb[$x] . "' title=" . $info[$x] . "></a></td>"; echo "</tr>"; [/code] Can't see where i am going wrong? Please help. ive been awake for 36 hours trying to figure this out, its racking my brain and i can't sleep due to this :( grr
Just incase that's not what i was after, what i mean was, instead of moving text along with div's, is it possible to tab content, so when its displayed in the browser, its been tabed like in the source code? example nonetabtxt tabtxt
Just wondering if its possible to tab the content in the source code, and the way it is tabed in the source is the way it will appear in the browser? Instead of using the spacebar all the time, is it possible to use the tab key?
hrmm ok, i don't think frames would work with my idea, as my idea is based around a search that results in images. Apon mouseover of each image a small flash movie should pop up near the image it's self (the flash movie localtion would be set depending on the x and y axis of the cursor of the user) this would give a small description, on mouseout would stop the flash movie and take it away from the page. Apon clicking either the flash movie will apparent or the image you would go into further page with a more detailed description. Have everything down pack, but by the sounds of things my idea of this with javascript may come to an end?
So it is possible, I've been searching for hours with no results, so when someone 'onmouseover' (mouseovers) the image, a flash movie can be called to the current browser without window.open? Do you have any links to tutorials? Ive been trying to find some information about this for about three hours :S
I'm just wondering, is it possible with javascript to write a function, call the function flashexec() or whatnot, so when someone 'onmouseover' over an image, a flash movie is called, and the position of the flash movie is depended on the x & y value of the mouse? Just curious about this, any help?
i Still dont understand sessions And I Really need them at this point.
DarkHavn replied to Demonic's topic in PHP Coding Help
Really? I thought the sessions are unset depending on the information you supply newb check out the php_info(); (i think that's the function) and check out the information im sure somewhere in there it has the sessions that has the time out value to when they are unset, as i have servers set up at home for testing and when coding i'm always having to clear my browser due to the sessions for testing reasons -
i Still dont understand sessions And I Really need them at this point.
DarkHavn replied to Demonic's topic in PHP Coding Help
Well with that you can go two ways. Having the session time out after so long, so if the person doesn't manually log out, then after a few minutes they are logged out, or prompted or what not. Everytime they log on set a session $_SESSION['loggedon'] = true after you have checked they are an actual user in the database. Then carry on to when the log out $_SESSION['loggedon'] = false and do checks like if($_SESSION['loggedon'] == true){ //then do this html } else { //user isn't logged on //login form } phpfreaks offer some good tutorials -
i Still dont understand sessions And I Really need them at this point.
DarkHavn replied to Demonic's topic in PHP Coding Help
A session is just a value you can set just like a variable and that can be be passed from page to page, Well as long as you put [code] session_start(); [/code] at the start of each page that you are trying to use sessions Ok i will give you an example, say we had a form where the person could enter their first name, and the name of this input feild was 'firstname' the following script takes that value from the $_POST and stores it to a session [code] session_start(); //Remember you need this to be able to carry information //from page to page using sessions if($_POST['firstname']){ $_SESSION['firstname'] = $_POST['firstname']; //Just an example, a real script you would check the information //submitted by a form for attempts to crack/hack your database or anything //along those lines } [/code] So in that script, i have stores the information the user supplied in the form, (their first name) and set it to a session, so say in another page i want to access that information again, then you can by typing out that session $_SESSION['firstname'] //always holds the information that was in the form unless you unset it -
Lol, sorry should of been more descriptive of what i was meaning, Yeah ssl is apart of the server that is running apache or depending on your flavour. Guess what i was truley meaning is, is there any means or methods you guys recomend of encryption via php if that is possible at all?
Was just wondering your regards and feedback on this one. Things like ssl on a webpage, 128bit encryption on websites that handle sensitive data like credit card numbers and such. Do you guys prefer, or recomend anything? Should i rely on php for this, or something else? Just thought i would get some feedback on this before i go ahead with anything. Cheers
I just wrote a function, and placed it inside the onmouseover='' name the function whatever you want i named it onmouseover='<?movie()?>' This calls the php function that was made on the same page, it takes all the values that want to be passed into flash, then i locate the file using php (dir) Then i execute the file and turn it into a feed (the flash movie has to be on a different website and always running, i loaded it into a free server to host it, just the flash file) Then i use it as a feed to the website, it works. Just going to give an idea of this as i've been looking around and apparently i maybe the first to accomplish this, and it wasn't that hard. When i patent the idea it's self, i will release the source code. Sorry lol if it's possible to make money with this i will. Already had some offers for the source. Get in touch with me in a few days when i get it patented.
Well i big to differ, as i just came up with a way. Using php, i was able to access the flash movie, mixed with a touch of rss, i turned the flash movie into a feed, the php gets all the values, throws them into values, then executes the flash movie and turns it into a feed. That allows it to play apon ever mouse over. So much for your theory? [b]EDITED BY akitchin: WATCH YOUR COMMENTS. INSULT REMOVED.[/b]