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Everything posted by brown2005
while(list($init, $items) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { echo "<h3>$init</h3>"; echo "<a href='$items'>$items</a>"; } ive tried that.. but it doesn't work. puts a link on the whole list for each letter
sorry to be a pain but i have just realised what I needed to do.. I am using Barand's code. but i want each item to be <a href='$items'>$items</a>
thanks very much to both of you they are both helpful.
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM test ORDER by test_name ASC;"); while($array = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $text = $array['test_name']; echo"$text<br>"; } i have this code which generates results like this apple andrew bath cabbage carrot rabbits but i want a apple , andrew b bath c cabbage , carrot r rabbits any help please?
thanks for your help. i have never heard of boolean before. how do i do this please?
the tables will be chosen as above.. when the first person views it. it will select tablea. and when person 2 views it table b.. and so on.. tablea will have 1 record.. and tableb will have numerous records that will be slected at random
i have two tables tablea tableb when some1 loads the page i want to display a record i want 1. tablea 2. tableb 3. tableb 4. tableb 5. tableb 6. tablea 7. tableb 8. tableb 9. tableb 10. tableb 11. tablea and so on..... any help would be much appreciated
thanks very much thorpe. one thing.. so where would i add the sort thing into this code u gave me, please
Hi, i want to have say 3 numbers $number1 = RAND(1,100); $number2 = RAND(1,100); $number3 = RAND(1,100); but none of the numbers can be the same and then i want to sort them in order of smallest frist to largest.. any help would be much appreciated
o yeah.. omg.. why didnt i spot that.. now i feel stupid. thanks mate
is this below code ok... as its not working so i presume its not function Count($type,$topic) { }
Hi, I was just wondering how to write the code below so that where $MembersType is in the sql string can select different tables. thanks function CountMembers($MembersType) { $CountMembers_sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS CountMembers_Number FROM $MembersType_members LIMIT 1; "; }
hi, i have the code below which gives out the following Website: 3,343,333 Members: 3,343,333 Hits: 3,333,343,333 displayed like that but i want it to be displayed like Website: 3,343,333 Members: 3,343,333 Hits: 3,333,343,333 so it is all in line (the hits one is slightly out of line, but u get the idea) <p> <label>Website:</label> <font>3,343,333</font> </p> <p> <label>Members:</label> <font>3,343,333</font> </p> <p> <label>Hits:</label> <font>3,333,343,333</font> </p>
Hi, I was wondering if there was any way that you can tell when someone does ctrl+d to bookmark a page?
http://www.randomhomepage.co.uk/homepages/index.php?page=home i have that which is what i want... and the top.php code is include('../../include/include.php'); include('../../include/hits.php'); echo"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional dtd'>"; echo"<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>"; echo"<head>"; echo"<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' />"; echo"<title>$config_website</title>"; echo"<link href='$config_website_url/include/style/top.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />"; include('../../include/scripts.php'); echo"</head>"; echo"<body>"; echo"</body>"; echo"</html>"; but the title is not working... and ideas how i can get round this?
there is an instance of floating right.. and im not using a table on the instance i am talking about. click on the blue bar at the top.. which is a frame... im not talking bout the middle frame.
http://www.randomhomepage.co.uk my text has the float: right; in the css but it is not floating right. any ideas please
hey message me at [email protected] and i might be able to help
do you know of any examples mate, cause ive never used iframe? thanks
well in internet explorer on mine it looks fine.. in firefox the randomhomepage.co.uk part is too low.. and the © Copyright 2007 - randomwebsites limited . has gone below the blue bar and the text in the bottom bar is too low.
i have a number of websites that i own and i want to be able to have on one of my sites a storage for banners (468 x 60) and i wanted to create a script so that they can be called on other websites. any ideas please?
anybody got any ideas im stumped on this one.