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Posts posted by ijasont

  1. I have read the other threads on people that are not able to select a db in DWMX but mine is a bit different.


    I use a host company. I want to connect from my computer to my host company where my db is. I enter the following into:


    name: mydbname

    MySQL Server: http://swg-harvhelper.com

    username: myusername

    password: mypw

    database: <select>


    I get a 550_mmServerScripts: Permission denied ERROR.


    Is there a way to not get this error and be able to select the db that is on that server?



  2. Please do not take this as a flame. I am truely trying to help here.


    I simply do not understand you. If your English is not great you may be able to post in your native language as we are an international crowd. If you are English (American, Canadian, UK) Please re-read your post as I cannot make out what you are trying to say.



  3. I am making a simple web based game that is completely db driven.

    My question(s) are:


    1) while Mysql can easily handle my expected traffic (about 150 simultaneous users). Should I make two db\'s to lesson on load? One for player stats, info the other for game tables and change tables?


    2) IF I should use to db\'s should I keep them on different servers to prevent server overload?


    Note: I am running current versions of mysql and php and plan to have medium level hosting package from W3Freaks.


    - other similar online games (mafia.org and projectrockstar.com) get really slow with over 200 users. I am concerned about mysql crashing from to many simultaneous requests.


    Thanks for the tips.

  4. I am creating a simple game using PHP. One of the games really just a string of radio buttons.

    My question:

    Is it LESS taxing for my server to store all the \"name\" Value\" data in a file or place variable that link to the Name and Value to the db?


    in other words. I will not be changing this info much at all and the file will be accessed a LOT. Should I place the Name and Values in my db or leave them in the <form> as is?


    Thanks for the help:


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