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killian_walsh@hotmail.com's Achievements


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  1. Hello, I have a PHP Form with a number of numeric fields.  I also have a "total amount" field. When a user fills in all the fields and clicks "submit" the results are sent to a MySQL database.  How do I get the "totalamount" field filled. Fields: amount1 amount2 amount3 totalamount If someone could show me some sample code I'd be very greatful. Thanks
  2. Hi, I'm new to this so bare with me. I have a PHP form that has a number of Numeric fields.  I also have a Total Amount field.  How to I add the values of the other numeric fields and populate the Total field with the result. The form details are being sent to a MySQL database.  Would it be easier to add the fields on the MySQL side using some SQL code? Fields: amount1 amount2 amount3 totalamount Thanks in advance. Killian
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