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Everything posted by lwc

  1. The following code is relatively short, but censors any HTML tags inside the XML: function object2array($object) // from php.net { $return = NULL; if(is_array($object)) { foreach($object as $key => $value) $return[$key] = object2array($value); } else { $var = get_object_vars($object); if($var) { foreach($var as $key => $value) $return[$key] = ($key && !$value) ? NULL : object2array($value); } else return $object; } return $return; } $bla=simplexml_load_file($xml_file); $bla=object2array($bla); This one keeps HTML but turns everything into one giant string: $bla=$bla->asXML(); So how can I easily preserve HTML? But better yet, can I somehow just tell PHP which tags to convert? For example, only <this> and <that> in: <this> <that>Text <foo>and</foo> test and <whatever>something</whatever>.</that> </this> thus creating: Array ( [this] => Array [0] => Array ( [that] => Text <foo>and</foo> test and <whatever>something</whatever>. ) }
  2. If one wants to modify internal code segments before modifying external ones, there's a proof of concept of it in Example #3 of preg_replace_callback(). However, it only deals with just one tag. Can you think of a way to expand it to multiple tags? Also, not with BB code but actual <custom code>. For example, $input = "Hi, this is <custom_code1>just <custom_code2>my</custom_code2> <custom_code3>example</custom_code3></custom_code1>. How can it <custom_code4>get <custom_code5>done</custom_code5></custom_code4>?"; Another function does different things for what's inside each of the custom codes. Basically codes 2 & 3 need to run before code 1 can, and code 4 needs to run before code 5 can. Thanks!
  3. Again, I also want to replace things before/after the so called bbcode. This means part of the replacements would be outside of tags and not within them. If you have any way to reach my desired result text, please show how, whether it's regex or not.
  4. <?php function dosomething($string, $else = '') { if (empty($else)) $string = "<b>$string</b>"; else $string = "<i>$string</i>"; return $string; } $input = "Some words. [code]some code. More words. . Other words."; $codetag = array('\ [code\]', '\[quote\]'); $codetag_rev = array('\[\/code\]', '\[\/quote\]'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($codetag); $i++) $codetag_array[] = "/([\s\S]*$codetag[$i])([\s\S]+)($codetag_rev[$i])([\s\S]*)/e"; $input_new = preg_replace($codetag_array, 'dosomething("$1") . dosomething("$2","else") .dosomething("$3") . dosomething("$4")', $input); echo "$input\n<hr>\n$input_new"; // This becomes a huge mess and $2 doesn't get saved from being bold echo "<hr><hr>"; // It does work fine if I only try it on one tag $input_new = preg_replace($codetag_array[0], 'dosomething("$1") . dosomething("$2","else") .dosomething("$3") . dosomething("$4")', $input); echo "$input\n<hr>\n$input_new"; // $2 is indeed saved from turning bold ?> [/code] So my only question is - how do I do this for multiple tags? Or, if you want, you can simply ignore everything until now and just tell me how do I turn $input into: // Output: <b>Some words. [code]</b><i>some code.</i> <b> More words. . Other words.</b>; [/code] Thanks!
  5. Thanks! So in my case it would be: $array = array(5 => "001", 2 => "001001", 1 => "001001001", 9 => "002", 7 => "002001"); foreach ($array as $key => $val) { $count = strlen($val) / 3; for ($x = 0; $x < $count; $x++) { echo "<ul class=\"advance level\">"; if ($x == $count-1) echo "<li>"; } echo "$key"; for ($x = 0; $x < $count; $x++) { if (!$x) echo "</li>"; echo "</ul>"; } }
  6. $array = array(5 => "001", 2 => "001001", 1 => "001001001", 9 => "002", 7 => "002001"); Each 3 digits mean a new level or sub level (e.g. XXX, XXXYYY, XXXYYYZZZ, etc.). What I want is to have this printed: <ul class="level"> <li>5</li> <ul class="level"> <li>2</li> <ul class="level"> <li>1</li> </ul> </ul> <li>2 <ul class="level"> <li>7</il> </ul> </ul> As <ul class="level"> adds another visual level, it should look something like: *5 **2 ***1 *9 **7 What do you think is the easier way to do it? Thanks!
  7. What do you mean?
  8. Okay, on further thinking I guess "p" doesn't even need this because Unicode characters can't be used in HTML tags anyway. As for "b", fataqui's simple (relatively...) approach seems to work great for me. I'll continue the debate there.
  9. Turns out there's still one problem. Both "b" (when not in Unicode) and "p" (when in Unicode) also match "<match", "match>", "<match" and "match>". Is there a way to make PHP (both in and not in Unicode) realize a < or > (and their equivalents) next to the match means the match is not a whole word? Thanks!
  10. You're a genius! I've tried messing with \p{L} by byself before, but the real challenge was to surround it with things that would make work like \b (both for the start and for the end) - and that's what you managed to do. Any chance you can explain how come "?<!" and "?!" do the trick?
  12. That line makes no difference. I've tried this on v5.2.5. Tell me which command tells me my locale.
  13. Why do you need regexp for this? Just use http://php.net/strpos And remember the opposite of "===" is "!==". Of course, if you just do what you want directly, it would also match "http://www.phishing.com/integrateditsystems.co.uk/trickedyou/".
  14. And this is what I get when I copy and paste your code: Es ist heiß. Wie heißen Sie? Es ist heiß. Wie heißen Sie?
  15. I don't get it. your code actually replaces your word only when it's not a whole word (when it has an "en" after it).
  16. I want to find a whole word, but I don't manage to do it neither in ereg nor in preg when using Unicode. $pattern = "pattern"; $text = "a phrase that contains the word pattern as a whole word."; if ($pattern == utf8_encode($pattern)) { // The following patterns only work if $pattern is in pure Latin letters $ereg_pattern = "[[:<:]]{$pattern}[[:>:]]"; $preg_pattern = "/\b$pattern\b/i"; } else { $ereg_pattern = ?????????????????????? $preg_pattern = ?????????????????????? //Note: "/\b$pattern\b/u" does NOT work - see below. } // Now I can highlight the pattern $highlight_by_ereg = eregi_replace($ereg_pattern, '<font class="highlight">\\0</font>', $text); // Or $highlight_by_preg = preg_replace($preg_pattern, '<font class="highlight">\\0</font>', $text); // Note: if $pattern is a word in Unicode and $preg_pattern was set to "/\b$pattern\b/u", // than $highlight_by_preg just remains equal to the original $text (i.e. nothing is replaced). What I need is something to replace either or both of those ?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?... Thanks!
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