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Posts posted by Helljumper

  1. I used to be amazing at PHP.  I haven't used it for months.  ~_~

    After all of that is done, and it returns to my website, how are you saying that I will still have the variables?  Should I make the link to my site something like:

    http://mydomain.ext/thankyou.php?get=<?= urlencode ('' . $buyerEmailVar . ',' . $itemTransID . '') ?>

    So that when it goes to my site, a "Thank You" message is displayed, and in the code there would be:


    $headers = "From: addr@domain.ext\r\n";
    $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n";

    $subject = 'Your order has been received.';

    $get = $_GET['get'];
    $get = urldecode ($get);
    $stuff = explode (',', $get);
    $buyerEmail = $stuff[0];
    $transID = $stuff[1];

    $body = '<b>Thank you for your order!</b><br /><br /><strong>Transaction ID:</strong> ' . $transID . '<br />To check the status of your order, go to the link below:<br /><a href="http://mydomain.ext/order.php?ID=' . md5 ($transID) . '">Order Status</a><br /><br /><small>MySite Staff</small>';

    mail ($buyerEmail, $subject, $body, $headers);

  2. Alright.  So I would have a list of items and next to each an image with that form.  Alright.

    And the PHP code posted would go on the page defined in <input type="hidden" name="return" value="xxx" />?
  3. Hello all.  I want to create a page in PHP that shows a basket of items currently selected by the user (a shopping cart) and then it allows the user to check out and send the payment to a PayPal address already set in the code.  After the payment is sent, I want an e-mail to automatically be sent to the user and also to the administrator, notifying that the order has been received (to the buyer) and that a new order has been placed (to the administrator).

      --  Mike
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