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Posts posted by Brentley_11

  1. I am writing a template parsing engine and I came across the need to parse some very complicated tags.  Here is an example:





    Output (If it worked):

    Before<?php echo TemplateVars::getVar("test"); ?>After
    <?php echo TemplateVars::getVar("array")[1]; ?>
    <?php echo TemplateVars::getVar("object")->bandana('banana'); ?>


    The php code I am using to parse this is:

    $regex = '/[{]{3}([\w]+)([\-\[=>\W]*)([\w\(\'"]*)([\]\)]*)[}]{3}/U';
    preg_replace($regex,'<?php echo TemplateVars::getVar("$1")$2$3$4; ?>',$data);


    Unfortunately that outputs the following:

    Before<?php echo TemplateVars::getVar("t")est; ?>After
    <?php echo TemplateVars::getVar("array")[1]; ?>
    <?php echo TemplateVars::getVar("object")->bandana('banana'); ?>



    I have also tried stuff like:

    $regex = '/[{]{3}([\w]+)([^}.]*)[}]{3}/U';


    But that gives every tag the same results as {{{test}}}.


    Any help is appreciated. Also if I need to elaborate more just ask.

  2. Everything still validates.  ???

    [code]$test = array("Test","Test_11","Test.11","TEST","test","()Test");
    echo "Test2 <br>";
    foreach ($test  as $var){
    echo $var." - ";
    if(!ereg("[A-Za-z0-9_-]+",$var)) echo "Doesn't validate";
    else  echo "Does validate";
    echo "<br>";

    Test - Does validate
    Test_11 - Does validate
    Test.11 - Does validate
    TEST - Does validate
    test - Does validate
    ()Test - Does validate[/code]
  3. Is there a chance that I have php configured wrong? I just tested what you said and it didn't work.

    [code]$test = array("Test","Test_11","Test.11","TEST","test","()Test");

    foreach ($test  as $var){
    echo $var." - ";
    if(!ereg("[A-Za-z0-9_-]*",$var)) echo "Doesn't validate";
    else  echo "Does validate";
    echo "<br>";

    This was the output:
    [code]Test - Does validate
    Test_11 - Does validate
    Test.11 - Does validate
    TEST - Does validate
    test - Does validate
    ()Test - Does validate[/code]

    The third and last one shouldn't validate.
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