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Everything posted by widgetapps

  1. You certainly can, but your syntax is off a little. [!--sql--][div class=\'sqltop\']SQL[/div][div class=\'sqlmain\'][!--sql1--][span style=\'color:blue;font-weight:bold\']DELETE[/span] t1, t2 FROM t1, t2, t3 WHERE t1.id=t2.id AND t2.id=t3.id; [!--sql2--][/div][!--sql3--] You can get all the details you need in the MySQL documentation as well: [a href=\"http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/delete.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/delete.html[/a]
  2. Another option that should work, is to embed the Javascript inside the body, but AFTER the HTML form. That way the JS is treated as part of the content of your template. It needs to be after the form so the browser runs it after the form is parsed. If you put it before, you might run into undefined errors (depends on browser/versions). To add this kind of functionality into a template engine is a bit more work, and much harder to explain on a forum. <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> document.formName.fieldName.focus(); </script>
  3. To validate this, put your code in a function. Then, when the user types in their password, run that password through the same function. Then, compare the 2 MD5 versions of the password, they should be the same. MD5 will always encrypt the same string the same way.
  4. <body onload="document.formName.fieldName.focus()">
  5. The problem with PASSWORD(), is that it can change over time, as it did recently. It's meant to be used only for MySQL permissions. MySQL documentation clearly outlines this. See the note in the PASSWORD() docs here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/enc...-functions.html That said, MD5() is usually the next choice. Some folks will double or triple MD5 a password as well. I generally double MD5, something like this (PHP code): $md5_password = md5(md5('thePassword') . 'some seed string')); Just put this into a function, and you can re-use it to encode passwords when creating and validating.
  6. There's a problem with your SQL. To find out what error it is, add the following code just before your if(empty(...) line: echo mysql_error();
  7. I can do my best to contribute to this as well. I've experimented with AJAX a fair bit last fall, and there are so many possibilities. It's just hard convincing people it's value up front. Gmail makes a great place to show AJAX in action, and Yahoo's next web-based email client uses loads of it.
  8. I agree with the folks that have said it's up to the individual's taste's and needs. Here at my workplace, I've implemented not only Zend studio, but the new Zend Platform. There really is nothing that can compare when it comes to PHP server managment and debugging. The most useful features for us here, is the email notification when critical errors are triggered. We can log into the platform server, see the same screen/error the user saw, click on debug, the file opens in Zend Studio, and steps through the code. It's truely impressive. Zend's efforts to bring PHP to the enterprise are working. We've been using the beta of Zend Studio 5, and it's support for SVN (subversion), code folding and intergrated PHPDocumentor are great new features. For us, it's been worth every penny, espcially since we're one of the only advertising agencies in the world using PHP as our application server (most are Windows/ASP.net or Java). And finally, our developers use Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. Zend Studio works great on all platforms.
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