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Everything posted by beeman000

  1. Help with sending email to long list of users Postby beeman000 ยป Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:41 pm I have a list of about 7000 emails that I am sending emails to on a weekly basis. Currently, I have the script set up so that it is a loop which sends an email to each user individually with their name in the 'To' field. Needless to say this take a couple of hours to complete. What is the right way to do this? Is it to bcc a certain number of people? If so, how many? What other ways are there to accelerate this, and not put such a load on the server? Here is my current script: $sql = "SELECT emailAddress FROM email"; $result=mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $filename = "www.test.com/emailTemplate.html" $HTML = file_get_contents($filename); $from = "Me"; $to = $row[emailAddress]; $subject = "Random Subject"; $mail_sent = sendHTMLemail($HTML,$from,$to,$subject); }
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