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Everything posted by Chirantha

  1. Hi, I'm a Sri Lankan. Sri Lanka's biggest problem is the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam). They want a part of our country! Which what they want to call as Tamil Eleam. When it started : This problem started 100's of years ago when the Tamils of India tried to claim that Sri Lanka is a part of India. So Sinhalise started a conflict with the Tamils. There was a time of peace! : Even though there where problems with Indian's soon the Sinhalise found the tamils to be nice and for years they live together (marriages with tamils etc.). The Tamils in Sri Lanka started problems! : a few years ago Tamils where used to mark exam papers. Then suddenly all the Sinhala students started failing the exams and the Tamil students passing them with A's! Into investigations people found out that the Tamils that marked the papers wanted there kind to be great. Sinhalise where pissed by this and attacked the Tamils in revenge. (The results of this exam failing caused all high positions in the country to go towards Tamils in term would cause the country's leader ship to be Tamils which meant it would make the country more Tamil than Sinhalise). It wasn't fair.. failing a exam you studied so hard to pass. Then came the virus! : The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam which was a terrorist group in India after they killed Rajiv Gandhi (a prime minister of India). They were kicked out of India they had no place to go so they came to the nearest island called Sri Lanka. And under the new leader ship of Velupillai Pirabaharan they wanted the north east of our country saying that Sinhalise don't treat Tamils correctly. Then the Tamils tried to fix it : The Tamils noticing there fault in the process and the Sinhalise also knowing there fault tried to live together as before. And it didn't work out : As more as the Tamils and Sinhalise tried to work together, Velupillai Pirabaharan (the leader of the LTTE) tried to break them up. He killed Tamils and blamed it on the Sinhalise. Making the conflict even worse... The Fire started : When this hate building up the Tamils went with the LTTE and they thought Sinhalise were bad and they wanted to destroy the Sinhalise. They started a spree of Suicide attacks in the capital city under the leader ship of Velupillai Pirabaharan causing the Sinhalise to hate the Tamils But some people never lost hope : Even though most people hated the Tamils for destroying there lives some didn't. They wanted peace.. they wanted Sinhalise and Tamils to live together. The Technology did the thing! : With the new improvement of technology the people were able to notice that the Tamils that where killed was not kill by Sinhalise at all! They found out that LTTE was the hidden tiger. So the LTTE lost it : With Tamils starting to hate the LTTE for destroying there lives and lying about "Tamil Eelam was for the Tamils" the Tamils them self started working against the LTTE. They went for peace talks : The LTTE went for peace talks because they wanted to mask them selfs and go international And then they went International : Since the LTTE started losing support from the Tamils in Sri Lanka they had no money to run the war on the Sinhalise. So they went to England, Switzerland, US and some other countries and started collecting money saying it was for the cause of the Tamils and sometimes saying "to help the tamils". You may have help them too! But at the end the money ended up in the bank accounts of the LTTE and they used that money to buy explosives, weapons, and things of destruction! Then the World Noticed : Soon after the other countries after 9/11 poked there eye into the LTTE and found links that where destructive enough to own them the second place in the terrorist group list. (how cool eh?) And Sri Lanka is winning the battle : With more and more bombs getting caught before they explode. With more and more Tamils helping the Sinhalise catch the LTTE. And the International Community closing the LTTE so called money doors. The Sri Lanka Army, Navy and the Air force is winning the battle. In the next few months the North East will be completely under the control of the government and in the next few years we will be able to live a happy life with Tamils side by side with nothing in the way. Our part as internet users : As the battle on the ground is important so is the battle of the internet. I have seen many LTTE supporting people in the internet saying how good the LTTE is. If you see one and if you own a control position of that network, forum or website don't forget to ban him out. We as humans must be in one word with terrorists. Don't let the LTTE fool you! they are fighting for nothing.. They are killing for fun using your money! Money that should goto help children in there education, live and to make a better world. Terrorism is World War 3. We must all work together to defeat it!
  2. Guys. Here is something everyone can use to do what I wanted.. I made it in Freebasic. I call it the PHP external executer. It should work on Linux as the Shell command supports Linux. Download : http://csoft-p.no-ip.info/gm/exe.zip (7kb's). So, yay! I solved the problem my self. P.S. That Exe is Ccopyright © ChiranthaSoft. And oh.. the exe must be running for you to command it via the file. Just remember! *The File you CHECK IS DELETED AFTER ITS FOUND*
  3. come on!!! yes it works when I double click it and run it. it just won't run via php... from my server.. come on.. isn't there an module or something?
  4. nope, didn't work. There MUST be away to do this
  5. didn't lauch the cmd....
  6. I tried it.. it did something... but the wm player window didn't show up.
  7. well actually I need to run more programs than just media player.. such as a game.. I really need a way guys
  8. Hi, I want to lunch wmplayer and play a file on the server (my pc). I tried exec() and it didn't work. I'm guessing that it needs to create the window but the problem is how do I do it. What is the command to do it. Thanks
  9. A year ago I was lazy.. :| but not now much now.. But I wrote this because some programs that I made during the days I didn't indent needed to be indented :)
  10. well, its impossible to juge the way a script is written. I have done my best to do what I can. I mean its better than nothing :)
  11. Hi, I'm a person that is lazy to indent my code.. Then when I find a bug I have a horrible time finding it :(. So I wrote a PHP script that indents code. Well it works to some extent but it isn't perfect. Make sure you use the { and } so it won't mess up. Its a bit high on the CPU. As its still not perfect there will be some bugs. But a basic code can be indented. The script is currently hosted on my Computer. And my computer is online from 12PM - 2AM (+5.5GMT). I don't have a good connection as well :(. This script can make : [code]for (i=0; i<string_length(string1) i+=1) { if (string_char_at(string1,i)="s") { do=1; for (a=0; a<data1; a+=1) { stop[i]=1; x=0; y=78; images_angle=4; for (b=d_id; b<d_id+100; b+=1) { string_delete(main,1,1) } } } } [/code] To this : [code]for (i=0; i<string_length(string1) i+=1) {     if (string_char_at(string1,i)="s")     {         do=1;         for (a=0; a<data1; a+=1)         {             stop[i]=1;             x=0;             y=78;             images_angle=4;             for (b=d_id; b<d_id+100; b+=1)             {                 string_delete(main,1,1)             }         }     } }[/code] Also make sure you code doesn't look like this : [code]if (this) { do this and this}[/code] [code]if (this) do_this() echo "echo"; [/code] Make sure its like this : [code]if (this) { do this and this }[/code] [code]if (this) { do_this() } echo "echo"; [/code] link is : http://csoft-p.no-ip.info/string.php Thank you, Chirantha
  12. Hi, I was learning MySQL, And what! I made a program with it. But the problem is that when ever I put a BIG document (246MB) mysql returns max_allowed_packet exceed error :( . Is it possible to get MySQL to write part by part? and Read Part by Part? Please Give an example code. Thank you, Chirantha
  13. Funny Though, When I try strtotime("10 September 1900") returns -1 in php 5 :o.
  14. Hi, I noticed that I cannot seem to use the strtotime() functions with days before 1970 :(. I know how to make a function to do it but its kida slow with all the 'for' loops. So is there an easy way to do it other than making one without the use of my scipt. Thank you, Chirantha
  15. Hi, I making a small software. The user can give his or her time zone. But I don't know how to show the time with the change of the time zone. Can some one show me how to do it? Thank you, Chirantha
  16. Hi, I'm trying to restore my SMF DB but its not wroking. It because this part has an error\ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS smf_shop_items; CREATE TABLE smf_shop_items ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', desc varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', price decimal(8,2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0.00', module tinytext NOT NULL, stock smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', info1 text NOT NULL, info2 text NOT NULL, info3 text NOT NULL, info4 text NOT NULL, input_needed tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1', can_use_item tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1', image tinytext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; -- -- Dumping data for table `smf_shop_items` -- INSERT INTO smf_shop_items (id, name, desc, price, module, stock, info1, info2, info3, info4, input_needed, can_use_item, image) VALUES (21,'Buy a ticket to upload a 65MB file','You can buy a ticket to upload a 65MB file for just 50 points','50.00','buyupgrade',44,'','','','',1,1,'Filefolder.gif'); INSERT INTO smf_shop_items (id, name, desc, price, module, stock, info1, info2, info3, info4, input_needed, can_use_item, image) VALUES (17,'Remove User Title','Remove your user title','5.00','RemoveUserTitle',99,'','','','',0,1,'Icecream.gif'); INSERT INTO smf_shop_items (id, name, desc, price, module, stock, info1, info2, info3, info4, input_needed, can_use_item, image) VALUES (18,'Increase Total Time by 2 hours','Increase your total time logged in by 2 hours','80.00','IncreaseTimeLoggedIn',50,'7200','','','',0,1,'IronDevil.gif'); INSERT INTO smf_shop_items (id, name, desc, price, module, stock, info1, info2, info3, info4, input_needed, can_use_item, image) VALUES (14,'Change User Title','Change your user title for 40 points','40.00','ChangeUserTitle',47,'','','','',1,1,'Wheel.gif'); Can some one please tell me what is wrong with it. Please HELP. Thank you,Chirantha
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