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Posts posted by defcon2000

  1. Hello All,

    We have a table in MySQL that we extract into an array as follows:

    $tmpdetails = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM params", $conn) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());

    $details = mysql_fetch_array($tmpdetails, MYSQL_ASSOC);

    The table is called params and has the following fields and data:

    [b]Id parameter detail[/b]
    1 smtpserveraddress blowfish.com
    2 serveraddress
    3 copyinvoiceto jane@blowfish.com
    4 billingemailaddress billing@blowfish.com
    5 localcurrencysymbol GMD

    We want to be able to access the result without having to loop through the array. We want to use the results of parameter as a reference point to access detail.

    For example, we want to access the result "" using "serveraddress" in an array type format.

    Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. Hello Everyone,


    I want to insert a new record with data from 2 tables, based on a condition from a table . The insert should be as follows:


    INSERT INTO subscriptiontrans (subscriptiontrans_id, subscription_id,

    datecreated, paymentdue,

    datepaid, subscriptiontype_id,

    subscriptiondescription, service_description,

    occurence, occurencetype,

    currencysymbol, amount, amountlocal, amountdiscount,

    amounttax, amountnet, subscriptiontrans_status, printed)

    VALUES (????????????)


    The tables to get data from are as follows:


    Table name: subscription










    Table name: subscriptiontype











    Table name: currency







    The conditions for insert should be as follows:


    subscription.datedue = CURDATE()

    subscription.subscription_status = 'Active'


    The following are calculations and defaults:


    subscription_id = subscription.subscription_id

    datecreated = CURDATE()

    paymentdue = 7 days from CURDATE()

    datepaid = NULL

    subscriptiontype_id = subscriptiontype.subscriptiontype_id

    subscriptiondescription = subscriptiontype.subscriptiondescription

    service_description = subscriptiontype.service_description

    occurence = subscriptiontype.occurence

    occurencetype = subscriptiontype.occurencetype

    currencysymbol = currency.currencysymbol

    amount = subscriptiontype.amount

    amountlocal = currency.rate * subscriptiontype.amount

    amountdiscount = subscription.amountdiscount

    amountnet = (amountlocal - amountdiscount) * ((100 - amounttax)/100)

    subscriptiontrans_status = 'Unpaid'

    printed = 'N'


    Thanks in advance for your help.



  3. Hello,


    Pls tell me what is wrong with my statement:


    UPDATE reminder

    set reminderdate = (IF (status = 'Open' and reminded = 'Y'

    and autoclose = 'Y' and recur = 'Y',

    ADDDATE(reminderdate, INTERVAL occurence occurencetype), reminderdate))


    occurencetype can be "DAY", "MONTH" or "YEAR" and stored as a VARCHAR.

    occurenace can be any value such as 1, 2, 5, 12, 10, etc ... and is an INT.


    Thanks for your help.



  4. Hello Everyone,


    I have the following 2 tables as follows:


    Reminder Table

    `reminder_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

    `username` varchar(50) default NULL,

    `reminderdate` date default NULL,

    `reminder` varchar(255) default NULL,

    `autoclose` varchar(1) default NULL,

    `recur` varchar(1) default NULL,

    `occurence` int(3) default NULL,

    `emailme` varchar(3) default NULL,

    `emailtoperson1` varchar(100) default NULL,

    `emailtoperson2` varchar(100) default NULL,

    `emailtoperson3` varchar(100) default NULL,

    `reminded` varchar(1) default NULL,

    `status` varchar(10) default NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (`reminder_id`)



    `occurence_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    `occurence` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,

    `periodtype` varchar(11) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,

    `period` int(2) default NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (`occurence_id`)


    occurence.occurence_id relates to reminder.occurence


    The occurence table stores the type of occurences available for example:

    Occurence_ID Occurence Period Period Type

    1 1 Week 7 Week

    2 Quarterly 3 Month

    3 Annual 1 Year


    The idea of the occurence table is so that dates can be change by day, month or year and not having to go deep into mathematical calculations.


    A sample data for reminder is as follows:

    `reminder_id` 10

    `username` defcon2000

    `reminderdate` 2005-12-03

    `reminder` "hello this is a test"

    `autoclose` Y

    `recur` Y

    `occurence` 2 (meaning it will recur every quarter)

    `emailme` Y

    `emailtoperson1` "defcon2000@hammer.com"

    `emailtoperson2` ""

    `emailtoperson3` ""

    `reminded` N

    `status` "Open"




    The logic I am look for in an SQL format is:


    SELECT * From reminder

    WHERE "status" = "open" and "reminded" ="N"




    IF "reminderdate" = "today's date"

    THEN "reminded" = "Y"


    IF "reminderdate" > "7 days from today's date" and "reminded" = "Y" and "autoclose" = "Y" and “recur” = "N"

    THEN "status" = "Closed"


    "status" = "Closed"

    COPY RECORD into reminder

    CHANGE “reminderdate” meet “occurrence” requirement,

    SET “reminded” = “N”

    SET “recur” = “Y”,

    SET “autoclose” = “Y”

    SET "status" = "Open"




    I hope someone can help me as I am quite new to MySQL and esp SQL.


    Thanks in advance.





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