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  1. I'm still not getting this to work. I need to direct the user to the web site that gets created by the string stored in the database. The data base has all our webinars and based on the webinars number is will pull a differant url to be built. I'm trying to do this so I don't have to hand modify code for each webinar title. This is the registration system. $GoToUrl is set from a Session Var $GoToURL = $_SESSION['GoToURL']; And the session var is set 2 pages earlier like this: $_SESSION['GoToURL'] = $row_Sysdefaults['HostingURL']; This is the way the code will be used: if ($ResponseCode == "Approved"):{ header(sPrintf("Location: %s", $GoToURL )); } endif; I hope this helps. Rich
  2. This is not JSP, the link I have to send people to is JSP. Yes I'm storing Vars in the database. I will look at the EVAL. Thanks Rich
  3. Hi I need to put in a url like this http://test.com/events/tokenPasser.jsp?email=Rich@RAlbrecht.net&fname=Richard&lname=Albrecht&Member+Number=999999 Getting the URL form one table and when expanded gets the data from another table. I created a form to input the url, here is what I put in the field: http://test.com/events/tokenPasser.jsp?email={$row_Recordset['EMail']}&fname={$row_Recordset['FName']}&lname={$row_Recordset['LName']}&Member+Number={$row_Recordset['MemberNumber']} Here is the code $GoToURL = $row_Sysdefaults['HostingURL']; echo $GoToURL; It does not expand the vars? Is this possible. TIA Rich
  4. I tried using Absolute path using this: define ("ROOT", dirname(__FILE__)); Got this error: The requested URL /var/www/aspe.org/htdocs/AccessControl/Login.php was not found on this server. This is the code calling it: if ($MinAccessLevel > 0) { $MM_restrictGoTo = ROOT . "/AccessControl/Login.php"; if (!((isset($_SESSION['LoginID'])) && (isAuthorized("",$MinAccessLevel, $_SESSION['LoginID'], $_SESSION['AccessLevel'])))) { $MM_qsChar = "?"; $MM_referrer = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (strpos($MM_restrictGoTo, "?")) $MM_qsChar = "&"; if (isset($QUERY_STRING) && strlen($QUERY_STRING) > 0) $MM_referrer .= "?" . $QUERY_STRING; $MM_restrictGoTo = $MM_restrictGoTo. $MM_qsChar . "accesscheck=" . urlencode($MM_referrer); header(sprintf("Location: %s", $MM_restrictGoTo . SID )); exit; } This is code that was generated by Dreamweaver and I copied it. Thanks
  5. I'm getting this error: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/AccessControl/Login.php was not found on this server. Here's the line: $MM_restrictGoTo = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/AccessControl/Login.php"; This works: $MM_restrictGoTo = "AccessControl/Login.php"; THe file including it is in directory above AccessControl THanks
  6. Hi, I have a php file included in many differant files at all differant levels in the directory structure. The problem I have is if a condition is met, it passes control to another php file in the same directory. However that file is not found by all files in the other directorys. home/file1.php <---------- Includes inc/file2.php ----> inc/file2.php home/file2.php passes control to inc/file2.php >>>>> This works home/dir1/file1a.php <---------- Includes inc/file2.php ----> ../inc/file2.php home/file2.php passes control to inc/file2.php >>>>> This doesn't work. How can I have the include file's call to files in the same directory no matter where the file that included it is? Thanks
  7. The flush worked, no need to redirect, Yippeeeee I added: <?php $TotalCOunt++; if ($TotalCOunt % 1000 == 0) { echo '.'; ob_flush(); flush(); } ?>
  8. The session var going to new page didn't work. Runs ok on my machine locally. How do you flush the contents of the browser, I'll try any suggestion.
  9. I thought of the session var idea, I will try that and let you know.
  10. No Not solved. When the script ends it prints out stats, when I run it locally in Zend Debug it works fine. If I cut the csv down to half the size, 5,000 lines it works. When run with the full csv 11,000 lines, the script never outputs the stats, BUT IT DOES COMPLETE, because I look at the total number of records in the MySql with Navicat and it has finished inserting the proper number of records. So no it is definatly not solved. Rich
  11. I know it completed because the total number of records inserted into the table was correct. When I ran the Half sized CSV it output the stats to the browser fine.
  12. OK, after changing to code to: <?php $TotalCOunt++; if ($TotalCOunt % 1000 == 0) { echo '.'; sleep(1); } ?> It ran fast, but still no output to browser...
  13. I just realized, I made an error, the above code is wrong, I forgot the "== 0" Duh!
  14. I killed the script with that added code, after 20 minutes it had only inserted 600 records.
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