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Everything posted by Liquid-Fire
let say i have a database with 3 rows/tables(can't remember which is which right now) called A, B, and C, each of them holding an int value. I create 1 entries for that DB with( call it ONE ): A = 100 B = 200 C = 300 and 1 more entries with( call it TWO ): A = 400 B = 500 C = 600 now I edit the DB itself by removing the C row/table(can't remember which is which right now) . where does the data store in the table go? and to be clear i mean where does value 300 for ONE go and where does value 600 for TWO go? I don't think i can explian much better than this.
Ok, it looks like Ajax mighjt be useful for more than that so i will take a look into that technology.
right, I meant my front end with be HTML. thanks for the link
basically my question is that when i delete a row, all the information in for that row that was being stored by all the mysql entries for the database will be deleted when the row is delted, is this correct? having a hard time trying to work it hope you understand this way.
I thing I am going to need to know how to do for a project I am design in how to change or add form imput stuff for the fly with out having to read the page. What i mean is that let say the are 2 drop done boxes the first one a a yes and a no option adn the second as a list of stuff from a database. I am going to have the default value for the first box no and want to disable use, grayed out, the second. now when the user select yes in the first box, a tthat time I want the second box to be enable and ungrayed out. Now how would I pull something like this off? PHP? Javascript? I am really not sure how to do this so some help would be cool. Thank You Ryan Zec
Something I have thought of for the current project I am designing has lead me to this question. Something in my new project to I want to focus on big is user permissions. only thing is that they are going to be changing all the time, not the permissions thought but types of permissions. what i mean by that is the admin let say added a section to the system, I want to have user to be able to have different permission for this section compared to other sections. now I can handle that fine, all I have to do and added more tables for that section for all the permissions. The problem comes when I want to delete a section. If I delete certain MySQL table does the data that was stored in those table for allentries in the table get deleted? can I delete fot the middle of the tbale and will all data for all entries be deleted? I think this is the way is goes but I just want to make sure. Thank You Ryan Zec
I am in the process of desgining a Project/Software Management System and I am gong to be using MySQL for the backend of the system and most likely the front end is going to be PHP. Now this am plan that the design proces will take me a few month and in that time Iwould like to read on on something thing i think i will neeed to know. I thing I would like to read up on becuase i think it is impoartant for a project like this is security. if you guys could give me a link to any type of web-based secruity using PHP, HTML, MySQL or anything else I might want to use please do that. I would like ot read up on this stuff before I start coding anything. Thank You Ryan Zec
Which PHP-Editor do you think is the best?
Liquid-Fire replied to briananderson's topic in Miscellaneous
Maybe you guys can help me on seeing what the big differences are between the Zend Stanard and Professional and which one I should get. I Guess I will just tell you alittle bit about the project I am going to be on working. I am involved wiht a team of programmer work on build a game. Now I got involved with this team as a C++ Programmer but now I am wanting to make a switch to web development fo r the team as we can use it. One thing we have been doing it looking fo rsome web based project management tools and there are really not many that are stable of have good features, the only one that I have found that has been worth trying is GForge, that does not havea high monthly fee per developer. THe problem I am having with GForge is that it is a pain to install and I have asked one quest on GForge forums with no reply in over 1 week, they have a horrible online support. This has driven me to start working on my own Project Management toll in PHP/MySQL. I am planning to build a full feature project management tool, here is a list of just a handful of feature that are planned with more to come( some features are not designed my my of team in mind because i might be releasing this to the public since i know how hard it is to find a descent one ): Everything is going to be under on name be it a "company" of just a small team, whatever. The main "company" and sub-companies can have as many sub-companies as they want so you could use this to seperate different divisions and since you can have an unlimited hierarchy You can host mutliple "companies" with mutliple divisions Project can be under any "company" or sub-company Project have th eoption to flow downward or not( a project under a "company/sub-company" with a division or somthing under it can be global to everything under the "company"{ or you can keep it private to th3e just the "company" you can assign tasks, bug fixing, meetings, etc...(not sure what else is need) to Projects. with meeting, you can create a meeting for everyone in a project, division, or compnay just by selecting it in the metting setup page or you can just puick the poeple ono by ono that need to be at the meeting when meeting are created, an e-mail is sent out to everyone involved in the meeting, plus the home page for the user will show weather or not he has meeting in the furture. might create a script top when you create a project you can create whatever number of fields and they can be whatever they want however this might not work out that easily and php/mysql experiance might be nesscary if you wan toto create custom task, bug tracking, etc... screen if you don't like the default one i will be providing that is just a small list of the major features i am going to be implementing. Do you think I will get my moneys worht if i spend the extra 100 on the Porfessional verion of Zend -
I will look at Zend Bu tI can't jusify spendiing 400 dollars on DW, don't have the money and not getting paid for this proroject For right now
Ok I am now Lookign for a professional editor. Here is basically a list of features I am looking for: Code Coloring( Now the most of my code will be with PHP but I will also be doing allt he HTMl\CSS\etc.. so I would like to have an editor than can color mutli code languages in the same file, I would like to be able to define the color myself ) Project Management( I need some where I can oragnize all mode code very well ) Cold Folding( I would like to be able to fold control state, classes, functions, etc... ) Code Line Numbering( I would to have the line number in th eUI itself like the wat UltraEdit can have it ) PHP Debugger FTP Connection( I would like to be able to connect to FTP acocunt while inside the editor ) MySQL Connection( I would to be able to control MySQL DB from inside the editor too, not a major thing tho ) I am really not looking to spend a shole lots, I would like to spend around 100, maybe alittle more it the editor is real good. What would you recommand?
does anyone know any program that uses this file, i have tried the Gforge forums but they don't respond often, and if they do it seems to take a few days.
To anyone has has setup GForge can you please tell me what pre.php is part of, what program/whatever do i need to install to get that file. I swear to god I have been trying for a week to get this thing setup, why the heck do they only support linux and only support postgresql, such a pain to configure this thing.
it is just a can not locate file error.
does anyone know what this is, i am getting a error using gfroge and no one there has been able to help me. is saying it should be in the phpdirectory\lib\php which make me assume that is would come with php by default, is this wrong?
Ok i forgot what is used to center a whole section like a div section?