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  1. I only use notepad, and thats all
  2. I just found out something, You can use COM functions for that, and there are many such classes at www.phpclasses.org
  3. I just found out that, In IE when u use save picture as it saves as the type not .php and also when you save the document it saves a web page with the pic. I dint use that code from GD but another script which takes pictures from MySQL
  4. You need to create a file test.txt
  5. You are unlucky, because Your code must not have <? ?> <?php ?> only php code like [code] $code="echo('Hello');"; eval($code); // Hello [/code] So you have to use echo for all html and for php use it like you would without the tags and use eval
  6. If your index.php is this it would be better [code] <?php include ("login.php");?> <html> <head> </head> <body> </body> </html> [/code] Since sessions need nothing to be before them even HTML
  7. But incase I only use the database to store my pics, not the uploads, is it safe?
  8. Well that was done before~~, fenway, thats what I hav been saying and AndyB corrected it. And did you think you had it NOT NULL as I said
  9. Ofcourse, we cant pm here, and i dont know your messenger ids. tellme and ill add you, preferably Y! but MSN would also do.
  10. Uh sorry, Another way [code] for($u=0; $u<=$num2; $u++) { $flds=''; $dat=''; for($i=0; $i<=$num; $i++) { $flds.='$fields['.$i'.],'; $dat.='$data['.$i.'],'; } $flds=substr($flds, 0, -1); $dat=substr($dat, 0, -1); $exec = '$sql = \'INSERT INTO $table['.$u.']($flds) values($dat]);'; // For debugging, you may uncomment this code // echo($exec); eval($exec); mysql_query($sql); } [/code] This should do it
  11. I think thats a true, better you try some code
  12. You made it with NOT NULL remember, look at the code on the first page, it says fip is NOT NULL
  13. well its one of the best
  14. $post2 = wordwrap($post, 20, "<br />\n"); Directly from my copy of php manua;, btw where are you from?
  15. Yup! ~~ forgot my words
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