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  1. I have a php script that I am trying to run ( I dindt write it) but the index.php file loads basically all of the php file in plain text instead of running it. Any sugguestions? PHP is isntalled since other php scripts work. Thanks
  2. In order to do that, I have to do this to each database individually. Is there a way to do multiple databases at once? Thanks
  3. I am trying to move about 40 databases from one server to another. Is there an easy to use command that will allow me to do that? The two servers are on separate private networks, so I may not be able to copy them directly, so what I would want to do is create a backup, then manually move it and the restore it. I belive I need to exclude informatio_schema as well as the mysql databses. Thanks
  4. Sorry, cut off a little when copying/pasting. Fixed it now
  5. In the following code, I am getting an error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or '{' or '$' in XXX on line 235 Line 235 is the second line in the code snippet $result = mysql_query( $querystr, $this->linkid ); $this->"queryid".$id = $result; if ( defined( "SWIFTDEBUG" ) ) { Thanks
  6. What command can I use in linux to create a new mysql database. Lets assume I want to create database name: nudatabase Server is localhost, username is root, password is test. Thanks
  7. How would I code it that if a page is being loaded from a particular page (for example a contactsubmit php file) It will display a line like "Thank You". But if someone goes directly to that page it wont. Thanks
  8. But how then do I take the results (case 10 for example) and assign it to a variable? Thanks
  9. I am trying to convert a variable that contains a telephone number in this format: 8005551212 to this format:(800) 555-1212. The variable that contains the number is $cidnum: $callerName = getCallerInfo($cidnum, $adb); So I would want to add a line above it that will switch $cidnum from being 8005551212 to (800) 555-1212. That is what I would mainly like to do. But is there a way to also have it that if it is a longer number (ie: a international number: 0845 060 3000) To have it that in that case it will rewrite it to be the international style? Thanks Thanks
  10. Thank you for your help.
  11. I am trying to convert a variable that contains a telephone number in this format: (800) 555-1212 to this format:8005551212. The variable that contains the number is the initial $to: function transfer($from,$to){ $this->log->debug("in function transfer($from, $to)"); if(empty($from) || empty($to)) { echo "Not sufficient parameters to create the call"; $this->log->debug("Not sufficient parameters to create the call"); return false; } $to = "sip:$to"; So for right now, $to ens up being "sip:(800)555-1212" I want it that it ends up being "sip:8005551212". Thanks
  12. Why would I be getting a Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR on the first line of this code? if(!empty($_GET['designModeToken']) && getClass('ISC_ADMIN_AUTH')->isDesignModeAuthenticated($_GET['designModeToken'])) { isc_setCookie('designModeToken', $_GET['designModeToken'], 0, true); ob_end_clean(); header('Location: '.getConfig('ShopPathNormal')); exit; }
  13. I just tried that, but for some reason, no matter what, it is outputting Wednesday. The month and day are working, but not the day of the week. Thanks
  14. Thank you. What would the best way for me to take a date (ex: 012510) and convert it into three sepereate variables: $month, $day, $dayoftheweek. So the for the given example, Month will = Janurary Day will = 25 Day of week will = Monday. I would need it as three seperate variables. Thanks
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