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About richardsussex

  • Birthday 09/11/1982

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  1. The Answers are all Yes!! DWMX can link to a database but your best just doing it manually coding it yourself!! Need some help!! Email me! All the best Rich
  2. You need a php enabled test server to parse your php. Firstly is the php server you will be using to parse your php on your network or at a remote location. If its on your network, map a drive to the folder where you store your webpages, i.e. a file with an alias set in (apache) http.conf. If its on a remote server then the file will be your ftp upload driectory for your web space. Set up your login detail! I must warn you if you are updating an already created php site, Dreamweaver has a habbit of doing some funny things with your code. always backup everything incase something goes wrong!! Im not sure about others, but I personally find dreamweaver a pain when it comes to creating a php website, the inserting recordsets and all that stuff it just seems to make a meal out of the code, making it very dificult to know clearly what to edit if you want to change something manually, also there are a few bugs which i just dont have time for! As far as WYSIWYG editors go, for design its great, but I always like to write my own php code rather than have dreamweaver do it for me, I know where I stand then!! You asked about books, forget dreamweaver for php, learn to hard code life will be so much simpler for you in the long run believe me. I have just finished reading \"Building a database driven website using php and mysql\" by \"Kevin Yank\" the book is truely marverlous. Any general php book, or web tutorial will help you. All the best Rich
  3. Hi there, I have just finished a basic CMS for my website, using Dreamweaver!! I now want to make the page where i modify my content to have password security so only i can edit my content!! I have incorperated a membership system into another site I have built!! I dont really need a membership system on the new site!! I just want one admin login!! Im thinking md5() is the way to go?? Any tips or ideas would be great???
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