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Posts posted by dsrichard

  1. Hi -


    I\'m trying to access a mysql database currently hosted on a vds website host (jumpline). I can access the db with PhpMyAdmin or by using ssh to log in to the box directly. However, I\'m trying to simplify synchronizing this remote db with a local db and would prefer to access this db using mysqlCC or ODBC.


    Tech support for my host indicated that they have disallowed remote access to the db. How have they most likely done this? Is there any work-around for this? Can I change config files, etc.


    thanks -


  2. I\'m a mySQL newbie.


    Initially I got errors that said something to the effect of user \"root@localhost\" in not allowed...


    Now I am getting something like:


    Warning: Host \'host\' is not allowed to this MySQL server in path/file.php on line XX.


    I was looking at users on my server (with mysqlcc) and noticed that root didn\'t have a password. There was indication that this was a security vulnerability, so I applied a password. Now I am unable to access the db and I can\'t figure out how to even access the server in order to change users, passwords, etc.


    I saw some indication that I need to flush the hosts table but I can\'t even access the server. How can I get access to the server if I don\'t have access to the server (you see my dilemma)?


    I\'m on IM if anyone can walk me through it.



    David Richard

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