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Everything posted by JoeZ

  1. [!--quoteo(post=355593:date=Mar 16 2006, 12:25 PM:name=JoeZ)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(JoeZ @ Mar 16 2006, 12:25 PM) [snapback]355593[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--] please help guys [/quote] bump
  2. please help guys
  3. I need to remotely log in users to webcalendar. What I'm trying to do is integrate geeklog with webcalendar. I want it so users can log into geeklog, and the cookie that webcalendar reads will be written. This way, when the calendar is accessed, it looks like their info is saved and doesn't require them to login. I just need to call a function that will give the same end result of writing the cookie. Please help...all advice appreciated, and if you can write a plugin version for geeklog I'll pay you for it. The file involved is login.php, which I uploaded to zorsus.net/webcal/login.txt All include files are also located there with the extension of .txt as well. If you want to just view the code, please visit this post [a href=\"http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=87020&st=\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?...topic=87020&st=[/a]
  4. ttt
  5. help please
  6. [!--quoteo(post=350145:date=Feb 28 2006, 12:20 AM:name=shan_cool)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(shan_cool @ Feb 28 2006, 12:20 AM) [snapback]350145[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--] hi, Thanks for ur reply,It does not work. shan [/quote] What are you trying to do with it? You have to press submit for PHP to get involved. Assume the filename is "thisfile.php". [code] <?php $name = $_POST['name']; print $name; ?> <form action="thisfile.php" method="post"><input name="name"><input type="submit"></form> [/code] This will print what ever you put in the field after you submit it. The page does have to reload.
  7. I posted this in the newbie forum, but I think it might be a little too advanced for there. What I'm trying to do is integrate geeklog with webcalendar. I want it so users can log into geeklog, and the cookie that webcalendar reads will be written. This way, when the calendar is accessed, it looks like their info is saved and doesn't require them to login. Here is the login file for the webcalendar. This is login.php, the page that users go to login. As you can see, it uses its self as the action in the form. I just need to call a function that will give the same end result of writing the cookie. Please help...all advice appreciated. [code]<?php include "includes/config.php"; include "includes/php-dbi.php"; include "includes/functions.php"; include "includes/$user_inc"; include "includes/connect.php"; // Change this to true to show "no such user" or "invalid password" on // login failures. $showLoginFailureReason = true; load_global_settings (); if ( ! empty ( $last_login ) ) {   $login = ""; } if ( empty ( $webcalendar_login ) ) {   $webcalendar_login = ""; } if ( $remember_last_login == "Y" && empty ( $login ) ) {   $last_login = $login = $webcalendar_login; } include "includes/translate.php"; // see if a return path was set if ( ! empty ( $return_path ) ) {   $return_path = clean_whitespace ( $return_path );   $url = $return_path; } else {   $url = "index.php"; } $lang = ''; if ( ! empty ( $LANGUAGE ) &&  $LANGUAGE != "Browser-defined" && $LANGUAGE != "none" ) {   $lang = languageToAbbrev ( $LANGUAGE ); } else {   $lang_long = get_browser_language ();   $lang = languageToAbbrev ( $lang_long ); } if ( empty ( $lang ) ) {   $lang = 'en'; } $login = getPostValue ( 'login' ); $password = getPostValue ( 'password' ); if ( ! empty ( $settings['session'] ) && $settings['session'] = 'php' ) {   session_start (); } // calculate path for cookie if ( empty ( $PHP_SELF ) ) {   $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; } $cookie_path = str_replace ( "login.php", "", $PHP_SELF ); //echo "Cookie path: $cookie_path\n$cookie_path1"; if ( $single_user == "Y" ) {   // No login for single-user mode   do_redirect ( "index.php" ); } else if ( $use_http_auth ) {   // There is no login page when using HTTP authorization   do_redirect ( "index.php" ); } else {   if ( ! empty ( $login ) && ! empty ( $password ) ) {     if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {       $password = stripslashes ( $password );       $login = stripslashes ( $login );     }     $login = trim ( $login );     if ( $login != addslashes ( $login ) ) {       die_miserable_death ( "Illegal characters in login " .         "<tt>" . htmlentities ( $login ) . "</tt>" );     }     if ( user_valid_login ( $login, $password ) ) {       user_load_variables ( $login, "" );       // set login to expire in 365 days       srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);       $salt = chr( rand(ord('A'), ord('z'))) . chr( rand(ord('A'), ord('z')));       $encoded_login = encode_string ( $login . "|" . crypt($password, $salt) );       if ( ! empty ( $settings['session'] ) && $settings['session'] = 'php' ) {         $_SESSION['webcalendar_session'] = $encoded_login;       } else {         if ( ! empty ( $remember ) && $remember == "yes" ) {           SetCookie ( "webcalendar_session", $encoded_login,             time() + ( 24 * 3600 * 365 ), $cookie_path );         } else {           SetCookie ( "webcalendar_session", $encoded_login, 0, $cookie_path );         }       } load_user_preferences ();       // The cookie "webcalendar_login" is provided as a convenience to       // other apps that may wish to find out what the last calendar       // login was, so they can use week_ssi.php as a server-side include.       // As such, it's not a security risk to have it un-encoded since it       // is not used to allow logins within this app.  It is used to       // load user preferences on the login page (before anyone has       // logged in) if $remember_last_login is set to "Y" (in admin.php).       if ( ! empty ( $remember ) && $remember == "yes" ) {         SetCookie ( "webcalendar_login", $login,           time() + ( 24 * 3600 * 365 ), $cookie_path );       } else {         SetCookie ( "webcalendar_login", $login, 0, $cookie_path );       }       do_redirect ( $url );     } else {       // Invalid login       if ( empty ( $error ) || ! $showLoginFailureReason ) {         $error = translate("Invalid login" );       }     }   } else {     // No login info... just present empty login page     //$error = "Start";   }   // delete current user   SetCookie ( "webcalendar_session", "", 0, $cookie_path );   // In older versions the cookie path had no trailing slash and NS 4.78   // thinks "path/" and "path" are different, so the line above does not   // delete the "old" cookie. This prohibits the login. So we delete the   // cookie with the trailing slash removed   if (substr($cookie_path, -1) == '/') {     SetCookie ( "webcalendar_session", "", 0, substr($cookie_path, 0, -1)  );   } } $charset = ( ! empty ( $LANGUAGE )?translate("charset"): "iso-8859-1" ); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset\"?>" . "\n"; ?> <!DOCTYPE html     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<?php echo $lang; ?>" lang="<?php echo $lang; ?>"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $charset; ?>" /> <title><?php etranslate($application_name)?></title> <script type="text/javascript"> // error check login/password function valid_form ( form ) {   if ( form.login.value.length == 0 || form.password.value.length == 0 ) {     alert ( "<?php etranslate("You must enter a login and password")?>." );     return false;   }   return true; } function myOnLoad() {   <?php if ( ! empty ( $plugins_enabled ) && ( $plugins_enabled ) ){ ?>    if (self != top)  {      window.open("login.php","_top","");      return;    }   <?php } ?>   document.login_form.login.focus();   <?php     if ( ! empty ( $login ) ) echo "document.login_form.login.select();";     if ( ! empty ( $error ) ) {       echo "  alert ( \"$error\" );\n";     }   ?> } </script> <?php include "includes/styles.php"; // Print custom header (since we do not call print_header function) if ( ! empty ( $CUSTOM_SCRIPT ) && $CUSTOM_SCRIPT == 'Y' ) {    $res = dbi_query (      "SELECT cal_template_text FROM webcal_report_template " .      "WHERE cal_template_type = 'S' and cal_report_id = 0" );    if ( $res ) {      if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) {        echo $row[0];      }      dbi_free_result ( $res );    } } ?> </head> <body onload="myOnLoad();"> <?php // Print custom header (since we do not call print_header function) if ( ! empty ( $CUSTOM_HEADER ) && $CUSTOM_HEADER == 'Y' ) {   $res = dbi_query (     "SELECT cal_template_text FROM webcal_report_template " .     "WHERE cal_template_type = 'H' and cal_report_id = 0" );   if ( $res ) {     if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) {       echo $row[0];     }     dbi_free_result ( $res );   } } ?> <h2><?php // If Application Name is set to Title then get translation // If not, use the Admin defined Application Name if ( ! empty ( $application_name ) &&  $application_name =="Title") {   etranslate($application_name); } else {   echo htmlspecialchars ( $application_name ); }   ?></h2> <?php if ( ! empty ( $error ) ) {   print "<span style=\"color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold;\">" .     translate("Error") . ": $error</span><br />\n"; } else {   print "<br />\n"; } ?> <form name="login_form" id="login" action="login.php" method="post"   onsubmit="return valid_form(this)"> <?php if ( ! empty ( $return_path ) ) {   echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"return_path\" value=\"" .     htmlentities ( $return_path ) . "\" />\n"; } ?> <table cellpadding="10" align="center"> <tr><td rowspan="2"> <img src="login.gif" alt="Login" /></td><td align="right"> <label for="user"><?php etranslate("Username")?>:</label></td><td> <input name="login" id="user" size="15" maxlength="25"    value="<?php if ( ! empty ( $last_login ) ) echo $last_login;?>"    tabindex="1" /> </td></tr> <tr><td style="text-align:right;"> <label for="password"><?php etranslate("Password")?>:</label></td><td> <input name="password" id="password" type="password" size="15"    maxlength="30" tabindex="2" /> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" style="font-size: 10px;"> <input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="remember" tabindex="3"    value="yes" <?php if ( ! empty ( $remember ) && $remember == "yes" ) {      echo "checked=\"checked\""; }?> /><label for="remember">    <?php etranslate("Save login via cookies so I don't have to login next time")?></label> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="4" style="text-align:center;"> <input type="submit" value="<?php etranslate("Login")?>" tabindex="4" /> </td></tr> </table> </form> <?php if ( ! empty ( $public_access ) && $public_access == "Y" ) { ?> <br /><br /> <a class="nav" href="index.php">    <?php etranslate("Access public calendar")?></a><br /> <?php } ?> <?php if ( $demo_mode == "Y" ) { // This is used on the sourceforge demo page echo "Demo login: user = \"demo\", password = \"demo\"<br />"; } ?> <br /><br /><br /> <span class="cookies"><?php etranslate("cookies-note")?></span><br /> <hr /> <br /><br /> <a href="<?php echo $PROGRAM_URL ?>" id="programname"><?php echo $PROGRAM_NAME?></a> <?php // Print custom trailer (since we do not call print_trailer function) if ( ! empty ( $CUSTOM_TRAILER ) && $CUSTOM_TRAILER == 'Y' ) {   $res = dbi_query (     "SELECT cal_template_text FROM webcal_report_template " .     "WHERE cal_template_type = 'T' and cal_report_id = 0" );   if ( $res ) {     if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) {       echo $row[0];     }     dbi_free_result ( $res );   } } ?> </body> </html>[/code]
  8. I'm trying to use this to send email through a php script to multiple recipients. The problem is that when I use this, the values are resubmitted for each option. For example, if I select all three, the address generated will be [a href=\"http://websiteurl.com/[email protected][email protected][email protected]\" target=\"_blank\"]http://websiteurl.com/[email protected][/a] Instead, i want it to do this: [a href=\"http://websiteurl.com/[email protected]\" target=\"_blank\"]http://websiteurl.com/[email protected][/a], [email protected], [email protected] Here is a snippit [code]               <form action="formmail.php" method=post>        <select name="recipient" size="3" multiple id="recipient">                         <option value="[email protected]">User Name 1</option>                         <option value="[email protected]">User Name 2</option>                         <option value="[email protected]">User Name 3</option>                       </select> <input type=submit></form>[/code] Thanks for the help.
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