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Posts posted by genscythe

  1. I'm having problems with my queries from my drop down lists to my DB.
    I use the following codes to populate my drop down lists with data retrieved from my MySQL DB.

    print "<select name=myselect2>";            
                print "<option value=none> [none selected] </option>";            
                while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
                    $value = "$row[0]";
                    print "<option value=$value> $value </option>";
                print "</select>";

    Then having selected a selection from the list, I use it in my select and insert statements:

    $myselect2 = trim($_POST['myselect2']);
    if ($myselect2 == "none")
                        $refPersonID = ' ';
                        $query_reference = "select client_id from client where name = '$myselect2'";
                        $result_reference = mysql_query($query_reference)
                        or die ("Error in query: $query_reference. " . mysql_error());
                        while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result_reference))
                            $refPersonID = "$row[0]";
    $query_client = "insert into Client (name, address, reference_person_id, tel_no, mobile_no)
                            values ('$cName', '$add', '$refPersonID', '$tNo', '$mNo')";

    $result_client = mysql_query($query_client) or die ("Error in query: $query_client. " . mysql_error());

    *$refPersonID should be an integer
    *reference_person_id can be NULL

    I always encounter two problems here. The first is that with any selection I choose, it seems that it doesn't seem to get the value of the selected option. The second is that even if i want my value to be NULL, my DB doesn't accept my query. Instead it errors:

    [b]Error in query: insert into Client (name, address, reference_person_id, tel_no, mobile_no) values ('Pao Santos', '123 Jess St.', '', '7215487', '9186549874'). Out of range value adjusted for column 'Reference_Person_ID' at row 1[/b]

    Can anyone help me with this?
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