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Posts posted by unknownproto

  1. Not sure if this is in the right forum or not...but anyways. I was wondering if anyone could find or build me a script that shows quotes and allows users too add their own. Look at this picture for a bit more detail of what I want.

    [div align=\"center\"][img src=\"http://www.unknownproto.info/help.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"IPB Image\" /][/div]
  2. Yeah I removed the spaces

    [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]Okay first you need to figure out what information needs to be stored for the links. Is it just going to be a user id, link address, link title, number of hits and password (so users can make changes to address title and destination address)? Once you decide this, we can move on to creating your database and tables.[/quote]

    Its just going to be the user id
  3. Atchully I got a script that does exactly the same thing... Records the ip, and does not move the counter up again

    But now I need it to be personilzed for the account that the user makes in the registration...

    $hitcount= file('counter.txt');
    print $hitcount[0];

    if( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] !=$hitcount[1] ){
    $stuff = $hitcount[0] + 1;
    $ip =$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

    $fp= f open('counter.txt', w);
    f write($fp,$stuff. '
    '. $ip);
    f close($fp);
  4. It does not work!

    This is what I tried... besides the f function, I removed the spaces

        the person's url should be along the lines of:
        where is the ip of the person that you are recording the count for
        conversely you could change that to be whatever you want.

    //First, get the person's ip address...
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

    //Then read your file into an array:
    $file = file($_GET['name'] . ".txt");

    //Then use in_array to see if it's in there:
    if (in_array($ip, $file)) {
        //if it's in the array, then that person has already been counted.
        echo "Your ip has already been counted.  The current count is: " . count($file);
    } else {  //otherwise, add them, and count them:
        array_push($file, $ip);
        echo "Your ip has been recorded.  The current count is: " . count($file);
        //now write the file back to itself
        $open = f open("ipsforperson.txt", 'w');
        f write($open, implode("\n",$file));
        f close($open);
  5. Hey I need help! See what I want to do is I want users to be able to register and they get a unique link and when people visit that link their counter goes up... when the counter reaches 100 I want it to email me that it has reached 100. The counter can be seen by the user, to see how many click they have got. The link cannot be clicked by the same IP twice and go up.

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