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Posts posted by taith

  1. hello, i have the following rewrite rules, which work wonderfully, however it is overpowering any subdomains i create... does anyone know the rewritecond so that it will not continue with the rule if there is a subdomain(excluding www)?


    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !staging/$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ site.php?s=$1 [L]


    basically url.com and www.url.com <-- rewrote, and no others...

  2. that would select all tables, or if with a class/id modifier... im looking for a way of css automatically detecting if theres a th child...


    essentially id expect it to look like this...


    table<th td{}

  3. hello,

    im looking to add some automation to my css... what im looking for, eventually, is for it to automatically detect when theres a th tag, and select the tds thereafter... however, for some reason, its not even detecting the tables with th's... what am i doing wrong?


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <style type="text/css">

  4. hello,

    ive lately been having a mod rewrite error, and i was hoping someone could help...


    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ site.php?s=$1 [L]


    it should be turning "url.com/pagenames/id" into "site.php?s=pagenames/id" but its just giving me a 500 internal server error.



  5. Hello,

    I'm looking for a better serialize() function. the php one has a fault of counting the slashes, before stripping them out, making the deserialize() fail, because the actual string count, is different from the string count as referenced...


    does anyone have one already?

  6. i just tried this, and it doesnt seem to effect session cookies...


    $currentCookieParams = session_get_cookie_params();


    with the real website of course. and using the root domain, or any subs, it starts a different session for each

  7. Why even be concerned about how many users will try actually to hack anything? You should be coding with the assumption that all the users will be trying to hack it.


    i agree... assume that 100% of your players are exploiting bugs, and 110% of your players are hacking... that way, all your surprises are pleasant.

  8. thank ya kindly :P for those that have need of it...

    function exc($string){
    for($i=0; $i<strlen($string); $i++) $out[]=$string{$i};
    return $out;
    function stb($s){
    foreach($s as $k=>$v) $s[$k]=str_pad(decbin(ord($v)), 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    return implode('',$s);

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