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Everything posted by taith

  1. at first glance... yes, i did make an oopsie... however, before it was blocking one of my words... now it isnt blocking either...
  2. simple... when i get one function right,  and imbed it into another function, i can run it dozens of times, with one line of code... if you prefer, pm me your email address... i'll send you a few examples :-)
  3. hey, only thing i could think of would be the strip_tags($text); function. that would remove any html code from your string...
  4. this code works all well and good... however, for some reason str_replace() is being case specific. just wonding if anybody has any ideas why/how to fix that... [code] <? function filter_censor($string,$badwords=array()){ foreach($badwords as $badword){   if(strpos($string, $badword)){   for($i=0;$i<strlen($badword);$i++) $x .= "*";   $censor = str_replace($badword, $x, $string);   } } return $censor; } $badword[]="hello"; echo filter_censor("Hello",$badword); echo filter_censor("hello",$badword); ?> [/code]
  5. yes... sorry... that was my stupidity... besides... functions inside functions is a GREAT idea!
  6. heres a thought... [code] <? $comic=$_GET['comicnum']; if(empty($comic)) $comic = date(z); echo '<img alt="alt text" src="'.$comic.'.jpg">'; ?> [/code]
  7. question... when i have internal functions (function within a function)  globalized variables dont pass between them or out of the internal function atall ??? why ???
  8. looking for a way of having php look back and see what page you were on 2 pages ago, and storing it as a variable
  9. hey all, just wanting a simple way to split a variable... wanting something like <? $v1{3}$v2{3}$v3{4} = $variable; ?> but i doubt its that simple...
  10. hey, i'm just wanting a simple code which can take a string, and if theres a <? or ?> or " in it, to remove it or change it
  11. exaclty what i need... but that one doesnt do anything...
  12. looking for a piece of code... that can look at all the files in a specified directory and list them by file name... the code must use a with statement and a variable for the filename... any help?
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