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kristin Lai

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Posts posted by kristin Lai

  1. Okay, I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong with this query but I keep getting the "not a valid result resource" error message. I've checked that the db fieldname is spelled correctly and there is a value stored in the $image variable so any suggestions would really help. Here's the query:

    $queryImg = "SELECT * FROM images WHERE imgID=$image";
    $resultImg = mysql_query($queryImg)
    or die ("could not retrieve image");
    $rowImg = mysql_fetch_array($queryImg,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    extract ($rowImg);
  2. Here's the code for the list:

    <ul id="global-nav">
    <li id="home"><a href="index.php" title="return to homepage">home</a></li>
    <li id="about"><a href="about.php" title="find out more about SKyart">about</a></li>
    <li id="search"><a href="searchTips.php" title="get search tips">search tips</a></li>
    <li id="order"><a href="order.php" title="order prints">order</a></li>
    <li id="fineArt"><a href="fineArt.php" title="see our collection of fine art prints">fine art</a></li>
    <li id="contact"><a href="contact.php" title="contact us">contact</a></li>
    <li id="lightbox"><a href="lightbox.php" title="view your lightbox">lightbox</a></li>

  3. Hi,
    I'm trying create a query that pulls data that fit certain criteria but only pulls so many at a time. I know this means using the LIMIT statement but I don't know what the exact syntax would be. Right now I have:

    $queryImg = "SELECT * FROM images LIMIT $limitValue, $f_limit WHERE subID=$subID AND imgFeatured='no'";

    I'm getting an error thought so I need to figure out what's wrong with my syntax.

    Any suggestions?
  4. Hi,
    I'm having this weird problem in my navigation. It's an unordered list <ul> witha style applied to it to make it horizontal with each link in a box, everthing is fine except that in IE the first list item doesn't have any left-padding. All the other items have padding on all sides and I can't figure out what the problem here is. Below is the style, maybe someone knows a hack to fix this?

    #global-nav {
    padding: 20px 30px 5px 260px;
    font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
    width: 626px;

    html>body #global-nav {
    padding: 7px 30px 5px 295px;
    font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
    width: 626px;

    #global-nav li {

    #global-nav li a {
    margin: 0px 3px 0px 3px;
    padding: 0.2em 1em;
    border:1px solid #FFD4D1;

    #global-nav li a:hover {

    Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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