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Posts posted by jacobjmorris

  1. Hey Rob

    Thanks for the tip! I did get it to work using:

    <?php include('http://www.website.com/components/includes/banner.php'); ?>

    However, I should be able to make this path relative, so when I try:




    it doesn't work, any ideas?

    just figured out how to do it, have to start at the base directory on the server, i got it working

    thanks guys for your input! it was really helpful
  2. My php include is not working:

    <?php include('/components/include/banner.php'); ?>

    This is the error message I get:

    Warning: main(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/components/includes/banner.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/gayeecom/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/gayeecom/public_html/about/index.php on line 26

    However, if I were to move banner.php within the same folder as the file I'm trying to include it, then it works fine. So, I'm guessing this has something to do with how I'm constructing the file path?


  3. I'm reading the SitePoint book on building database driven websites...it's pretty good, but I'm still having a hard time putting it all together.

    I noticed Zend offers a beginner's PHP course online. Has anyone taken it? I'm a visual, hands-on learner, so I'm looking for something that will give me lots of examples, step by step.

  4. i'm a visual learner, and i want to learn php...i know html and css, but i dont know an application....someone once mentioned that i should learn how to create a login application first, and that would get some of the basics out of the way.

    anyone have any suggestions on tutorials?
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