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Posts posted by mrlarge

  1. [!--quoteo(post=357555:date=Mar 23 2006, 12:05 PM:name=wildteen88)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(wildteen88 @ Mar 23 2006, 12:05 PM) [snapback]357555[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]
    If you parsing the variable [b]person[/b] over the url then you will want to use the $_GET superglobal array instead, ie $_GET['person'];

    This is because you have register_globals turn off. So you will need to use the superglobal array instead.

    Thanks for letting me know that the cause was register_globals was off. I turned it on and it worked. However, this does lead to security issues as stated in the narratives in php.ini, but the code I am going through is research anyway so for the time being that doesn't matter. I will also look at superglobal arrays at some point as well. I tried the $_GET['person'] in my code and it still didn't work until I turned register_globals on. Could you please post the alternative code to me (Ie. Your version with the $_GET change) so I can see what I have to do in future if I intend to leave register_globals turned off.

  2. Hi Guys.

    Yep, am a newbie and the second bit of code I write wont work (the first was helloworld - would be difficult to not get that working!)
    Anyway, the code I am using is:


    <title>Who Are You?</title>
    <form action="you_are.php">
    Please enter your name:<br />
    I am...
    <?php print('<input type="text" name="person" value="' . $person .
    '"size="15" />');
    <input type="submit" value="Go!" size="15" />


    <title>You Are ...</title>
    print('Well, hello ' . $person . ', nice to meet you!');
    print('<br />');
    print('<a href="who_are_you.php?person=' . urlencode($person) . '">
    Back to who are you?</a>');

    The output I get is:

    (Who are you.php):

    Please enter your name:
    I am...
    Notice: Undefined variable: person in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\PHP-tests\Mastering PHP 4.1\Listing 1.3\who_are_you.php on line 9

    NB. It does display the textbox and button, and when I submit I get:

    Notice: Undefined variable: person in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\PHP-tests\Mastering PHP 4.1\Listing 1.3\YOU_ARE.php on line 7
    Well, hello , nice to meet you!

    Notice: Undefined variable: person in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\PHP-tests\Mastering PHP 4.1\Listing 1.3\YOU_ARE.php on line 9
    Back to who are you?

    the value $person is passed over in the url:

    [a href=\"http://mysql_server/PHP-tests/Mastering%20PHP%204.1/Listing%201.3/you_are.php?person=nick\" target=\"_blank\"]http://mysql_server/PHP-tests/Mastering%20...php?person=nick[/a]

    Oh, and I am using PHP 5.1.2 on IIS5 (Win XP Professional).


    Hope someone can help.
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