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About marcus

  • Birthday 07/06/1992

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  • Location
    Rochester, NY

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  1. Put the $datetoset in quotes in your $sql variable. So: $sql = "UPDATE `needs` SET `completiondate`='".$datetoset.'' WHERE `ID`='".$id."'";
  2. Looks awesome, great job.
  3. This isn't a PHP problem. Avoid using the same ID multiple times. You have "#image_rotate" used twice, jQuery is going to confuse itself. If you want to use a layer multiple times make it a class. I would suggest renaming both IDs to something like. <ul id="gallery1"> and <ul id="gallery2"> Then you should be able to use $('#gallery1, #gallery2') in your jQuery script.
  4. Looks like you have a MIME type problem. It's not recognizing the .php file extension as a PHP document.
  5. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=php+file+upload+tutorial
  6. Just starting the path with a forward slash puts you in the root directory. So the full path would be something like: /home/user/public_html/path/to/assets/init.inc.php
  7. $_POST is global by default.
  8. When dealing with multiple where clauses you need to use AND and/or OR to separate each clause. $sql = "DELETE FROM `x` WHERE `y`='z' AND `z`='y'";
  9. I concur with the above statements.
  10. 1814400 = 3600 * 24 * 21 = 3 weeks in seconds.
  11. $ASLconfirm = date("l, F j", strtotime($ASLdate) - 1814400);
  12. Is it not obvious? You're passing testvar, but looking for testurl.
  13. To get the ?url=<blah> from your code you use the superglobal $_GET and index it with url. So on the second page you just have $url = $_GET['url']; if(isset($url)){ echo $url; } else { echo "sorry dude"; }
  14. You don't have a name to your submit button. <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Query" /> You should also look into using a switch statement. switch($_POST['query']){ case 'add_status': // code break; // etc default: // if no option is selected }
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