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Posts posted by eXtaZa

  1. So...
    If have a textarea named "Message" and a image named "a",
    and I want that when i'm clicking the "a" image it write to me the string ":lol:" in the textarea, i'm doing like this (the function):
    function AddSmile(smile_name){
    document.myForm.Message.value = document.myForm.Message.value + smile_name;

    and the code in the image:

    <a href="#" onClick="AddSmile(':lol:')"><img src="a.gif"></a>

    Now... when I will click "a" image, it will write to me the string ":lol:" in the textarea, but it will write this string in the end of the text that I wrote, And I want that it will write to me this string where I'm focusing with the cursor.
    I mean that if I wrote in the textarea like this:
    And I'm focusing with the cursor between 4 and 5 (1234 56789) then I want that when im clicking the image it will write to me ":lol:" between 4 and 5 and not in the end, after 9.
    How can I do that?

  2. Are you meaning this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function startTime()
    var today=new Date()
    var h=today.getHours()
    var m=today.getMinutes()
    var s=today.getSeconds()
    // add a zero in front of numbers<10

    function checkTime(i)
    if (i<10)
      {i="0" + i}
      return i

    <body onload="startTime()">
    <div id="txt"></div>

  3. Hello,
    so... I have this code(and I have a connection to the DB before, its just a example... ):

    <form action="<?php Print $PHP_SELF ?>" method="POST">
    <input type="submit" name="asd" value="Delete!"><BR>
    $Result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM GuestBook ORDER BY Date DESC");
    while($a_row = mysql_fetch_row($Result)){
        echo "<input type='checkbox' name='DeleteMe[]' value='$a_row'><BR>";
        echo "</form>";

    echo "yes";
    foreach($a as $value)
    echo $value;
    echo "no";

    I dont here that it will print me each time CheckBox, and to the CheckBox will be the value of the row that he get out of the DataBase.
    Then I dont that it check if what I'm sending is a array, If it is, he need to print me "yes", and then he need to print me every var that in the array.
    now, the problem is that just if im mark the first Checkbox, prints me:
    But why? Its true that it's array, but why he doesnt print every var in the array?
    And if I'm marking other CheckBox, except of the first CheckBox, it's print s me "no". But why? Its doesn't a array?
    Why just if I'm marking the firs CheckBox It's prints that its a array, And why he doesn't prints me all the vars that exist in the array?

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