re: Well of course all the kids have cell phones and most adults do to so it hit me that with all the texting everyone does maybe we can harness the technology.
OK, I am starting to read the whole thing, but need to interject this...from the 'get go' :-)
a) Yeah, amazing...and the parents pay for them...and kids love to text for sure.. ME Can't stand it
b) Many, could have "family plans" etc...BUT? Depending on "the plan"...the NUMBER text messages, per plan or account any times have "caps" on nuers of messages.
c) Hence, my reasoning of first? Having the opt-in/opt-out CONTROL, as face it...Once BILLABLE TIME is attacked to your Cell phone bill, You are HOSTAGE to that 'financial contract'...and MUST pay up...
d) Think along the lines off 900 numbers for what i mean in C)
e) re: I think I would do an op/out option on a third form which would just require first name, last name, and phone number or email address depending which one was used to sign up.
How fluent in php are you?
1) As you'd have to build all this, using cookies and sessions to track who's-who during the "form experience"
2) You for sure, would want to run it "secure" https;//
3) Why? Heck, I'll log in and spam the heck out it...just kidding>
All, food for
And, it can be done...but? Not on a simple/cheap shared hosting you'd have to install modules for the SMS onto the core OS
you other option...and I am sure you know you subscribe to a service etc...